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Litteratura Serpentium, the magazine of the European Snake Society, now publishes its 44nd volume. It is bilingual: Dutch and English. Here you will find a list of the contents of all volumes, starting with Volume 1 of November 1980.
We added links to PDFs of all articles in the volumes, but only for the volumes older than three years.

However, we are missing several volumes, and we hope that one of our members has these volumes available and will be so kind to lend them to us to scan them:
- volumes 3 and 5 are missing

Invitations Snakeday:
- vol. 1-9 (1981-1989) are missing
- vol. 12-13 (1992-1993) are missing

The scans are the most beautiful when they are made from the loose booklets, so from volumes that are not bound into books.
If you have any material available, please, contact Anton van Woerkom.

I want to thank the following members who already presented missing material:
- Richard de Jong
- Peter Schilperoord
- Marten Houdijk
- René Koller
- René van der Vlugt
- Mat Beekers
- Gijs van Aken

Search by keyword in the title or by author
or go directly to a volume

  VOLUME 44, 2024
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, from the board and announcements, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 1-9, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, Snakeday and announcements, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): 53-59, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, Snakeday and announcements, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 109-115, cover.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): I-IV.
pdf  Regulations Snakeday, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2024. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1-3): covers.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2024. Bogertophis subocularis subocularis, the blonde phase beauty. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): 060-074.
pdf  Bosch, Guillaume, 2024. Captive breeding and reproduction of Elaphe taeniura yunnanensis Anderson, 1879. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 36-52.
pdf  Heijer, Rob Den, 2024. Nice to know: Saved from certain death. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 34-35.
pdf  Herbel, Marc, 2024. Experience in keeping, breeding and raising the rufous beaked snake Rhamphiophis rostratus (Peters, 1854). Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 116-132.
pdf  Kraaijvanger, Caroline, 2024. Can snakes recognize themselves? Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): 104-108.
pdf  Mullenders, Frits, 2024. Care and breeding of Boa constrictor 'melanogaster'. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 14-29.
pdf  Mullenders, Frits, 2024. My experiences with snakes of the genus Corallus. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): 082-103.
pdf  Reekum, Doortje van, 2024. Serpentovirus infections in captive snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(2): 075-081.
pdf  Starr, Michelle, 2024. Snake discovered that actually does cartwheels. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 140-145.
pdf  Starr, Michelle, 2024. Snake and spider venom are not sterile. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 146-149.
pdf  Veelen, Daniel van, 2024. Scientists probably found a universal antivenin. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 30-33.
pdf  Veelen, Daniel van, 2024. Remains of a giant snake discovered in India. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 150-152.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2024. The turbulent life of the serpent column. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 133-135.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2024. Snakes I did not see. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(3): 136-139.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, Peter Mudde, Ruud de Lang & Jacques Bastinck, 2024. In memoriam Professor Peernel Zwart. Litteratura Serpentium, 44(1): 10-13.
  VOLUME 43, 2023
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, From the board and announcements, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 1-7, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, From the board and announcements, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 53-59, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, From the editors, from the board and announcements, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 101-108, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4).
pdf  Contents, Foreword, From the editors, From the chairman and announcements, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 149-156, cover.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): I-IV.
pdf  Regulations Snakeday, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2023. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 188-192.
pdf  Bussel, Jarno van, 2023. Searching for the smooth snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 157-163.
pdf  Cassella, Carly, 2023. Snakes that swallow their own tails. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 174-178.
pdf  Esseveldt, Fenne van, 2023. Snake Patrol Suriname. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 60-71.
pdf  Jasker, Marjon & Nick, 2023. Nice to know: Long will he live... Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 122-124.
pdf  Jasker, Marjon & Nick, 2023. We have been amazed for years... Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 147-148.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2023. Postscript by the editors: The genus Trimeresurus, a beautyful wilderness in house. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 23-27.
pdf  Koches, Jennifer, 2023. The success of protective measures for the Puerto Rican boa. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 84-87.
pdf  Mazza, Marco, 2023. Craspedocephalus trigonocephalus in nature and in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 109-115.
pdf  Megens, Lou, 2023. Prevention is better than cure! (but what does Uncle John do?) Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 125-131.
pdf  Owings Dewey, Jennifer, 2023. Snakebite. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 32-36.
pdf  Poel, Theo van der, 2023. The genus Trimeresurus, a beautyful wilderness in house. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 8-27.
pdf  Schelvis, Tessa, 2023. CITES protects more and more animal species. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 80-83.
pdf  Simpson, Steven, 2023. Back to black - the UK trade in boa constrictors, a look in the rear view mirror. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 164-173.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2023. One year of constricting snakes at home, part 6. The story about the danger. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 37-39.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Book review: Rattlesnake Dance. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 28-31.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Nice to know: A special enemy of Napoleon. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 50-52.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Book review: Mark O’Shea, Snakes of the world. A guide to every family. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 72-79.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Back in time with Delpher. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 92-95.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Saints and snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 96-100.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. The snake and the slanderer. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 140-141.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Back in time with Delpher 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 142-144.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. The man and the snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 145-146.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2023. Back in time with Delpher 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 184-187.
pdf  Watson, Claire, 2023. Discovery that snakes have two clitorises. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(4): 179-183.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2023. Converting breeding heaps for grass snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 116-121.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2023. List of invasive alien species of Union concern. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 132-135.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2023. Robotic legs for a snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(3): 136-139.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van & Maarten de Haan, 2023. The Positive List in the Netherlands, the current state of affairs. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(1): 40-49.
pdf  Zdenek, Christina N., Timothy Staples, Chris Hay, Lachlan N. Bourke & Damian Candusso, 2023. Sound garden: how snakes respond to airborne and groundborne sounds. Litteratura Serpentium, 43(2): 88-91.
  VOLUME 42, 2022
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword, from the board and announcements, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 1-7, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 53-57, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(3): 85-89, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 133-137, cover.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): I-IV.
pdf  Regulations Snakeday, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2022. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 173-176.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2022. Lamprophis aurora, a beauty you don't see too often. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(3): 90-99.
pdf  Doorn, Loďc van, Jeroen Speybroeck, Rein Brys, David Halfmaerten, Sabrina Neyrinck, Peter Engelen and Tim Adriaens, 2022. Aesthetic aliens: invasion of the beauty rat snake, Elaphe taeniura Cope, 1861 in Belgium, Europe. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(3): 112-132.
pdf  Flagle, Ari, 2022. Boelen's python, observations in the field. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 138-144.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2022. Beautifully coloured, but why? Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 58-65.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2022. Book review: Sterrin Smalbrugge, Het fascinerende leven van reptielen; over het gedrag van krokodillen, slangen, hagedissen, schildpadden en hun onmisbare plek in deze wereld. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 168-172.
pdf  Magne, Emmanuel, 2022. Snake exhibition at the crossroads of art, popular cultures and sciences. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(3): 100-111.
pdf  Mulder, Tessa & Sjoerd Prins, 2022. Herpetological trip to Iquitos, Peru. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 36-43.
pdf  Plecker, Roel De & Marcello Carvajal, 2022. Plato negro, ecology and conservation. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 152-157.
pdf  Smith, Paul, 2022. Rancho Laguna Blanca in Paraguay is special! Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 8-21.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2022. One year of constricting snakes at home, part 3. The story of the boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 22-35.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2022. One year of constricting snakes at home, part 4. The story of the reticulated python. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 66-69.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2022. One year of constricting snakes at home, part 5. The story about the taming. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 158-162.
pdf  Verveen, Bert, 2022. Snakes and holidays. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 44-49.
pdf  Vlugt, René van der, 2022. Should snakes be afraid of spiders? Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 70-80.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2022. Introduction and Comment: Snakes and holidays. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 44-49.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2022. Nice to know: Musée Le Crozatier in Puy-en-Velay (France) dedicates an exhibition to Courtol’s suit. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(1): 50-52.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2022. Nice to know: Quetzalcoatl. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 84.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2022. Man as prey. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 163-167.
pdf  Weima, André, 2022. A precarious intervention on a grass snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(4): 145-151.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2022. 'Furry' green snake discovered in Northeast Thailand. Litteratura Serpentium, 42(2): 81-83.
  VOLUME 41, 2021
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 1-6, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(2): 53-57, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 105-110, cover.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 149-153, cover.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): I-IV.
pdf  Regulations Snakeday, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2021. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 205-208.
pdf  Al, Erwin J., 2021. Diseases in boa collections. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(2): 80-104.
pdf  Bol, Steven, 2021. Observations in the wild and in captivity of the Mexican alpine blotched garter snake Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861a. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 12-31.
pdf  Broek, Hans van den, 2021. A Congolese king and his python. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 124-131.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2021. Come and see, come and see! Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 183-187.
pdf  Bruyndonckx, Herman, 2021. My twenty years of experience with the San Francisco garter snake. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(2): 58-79.
pdf  Carati, Peter, 2021. Nose-horned vipers. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 45-52.
pdf  Carati, Peter, 2021. Attention aux couleuvres! Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 118-123.
pdf  Colli, Cesare, 2021. Coluber constrictor priapus (southern black racer), first two years of growth, food preference and change of colour of the back. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 174-182.
pdf  In memoriam Pieter Stoel, 2021 Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 106.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2021. In memoriam Pieter Stoel (1950-2021). Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 154-157.
pdf  Riel, Cees A.P. van, 2021. The snakes of Corkscrew Swamp, Florida. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 7-11.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2021. Experiences with European water snakes in the terrarium hobby. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 34-44.
pdf  Thiel, Jory van & Roel Wouters, 2021. The secrets of the spitting cobra. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 111-117.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2021. One year constricting snakes at home, part 1. The story of the anaconda. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 141-148.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2021. One year of constricting snakes at home, part 2. The story of the rainbow boa. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 188-204.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2021. Nice to know: A Boa constrictor has surprised a rat. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(1): 32-33.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2021. From the scientific legacy of Prof. Dr. A.A. Verveen. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(3): 132-140.
pdf  Wouwenberg, Eric, 2021. Breeding and caring for Antaresia species, the Australian dwarf pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 41(4): 158-173.
  VOLUME 40, 2020
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 1-5, 44.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 105-109, 207, 212.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 213-217, 300.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 301-309, 378, 388.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): I-IV. Canceled due to the corona pandemic.
pdf  Advertisements, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2020. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 382-387.
pdf  Al, Erwin J., 2020. Search for pure origin boas. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 24-37.
pdf  Bauwens, Dirk & Katja Claus, 2020. Aggregations of basking adders (Vipera berus): social behaviour or shortage of suitable microhabitats? Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 218-235.
pdf  Bol, Steven, 2020. Observations in the wild and in captivity of the Mexican alpine blotched garter snake Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861A. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 339-367.
pdf  Bosch, Guillaume, 2020. Acrantophis dumerili Jan, 1860, breeding, reproduction and biology of the Duméril boa, the unloved Malagasy. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 62-77.
pdf  Broek, Hans van den, 2020. A snake is eating my bowel. Intestinal tuberculosis in traditional sculpture in Tanzania. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 196-202.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2020. A python with a bonus. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 90-93.
pdf  Bruyndockx, Herman, 2020. My twenty years of experience with the San Francisco garter snake. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 310-323, 377.
pdf  Carati, Peter, 2020. A trip through Costa Rica. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 158-165.
pdf  Carati, Peter, 2020. The side-striped palm-pitviper. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 281-286.
pdf  Cock Buning, Tjard de, 2020. How Bert Verveen and me tried to understand Boidae. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 10-23.
pdf  Compier, Robbert-Jan, 2020. Breeding with Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 38-56.
pdf  Fesser, Rainer, 2020. In memoriam Klaus-Dieter Schulz (17.6.1957 - 8-12-2019). Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 208-211.
pdf  Fesser, Rainer, 2020. Vipera ammodytes - the nose-horned viper in Styria/Austria. Survey of still existing populations and re-establishment of habitats. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 236-249.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom, 2020. Neoplastic Disorders in Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 166-185.
pdf  Jong, Richard W., 2020. Book review: Jean-Philippe Chippaux & Kate Jackson, Snakes of Central and Western Africa. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 292-299.
pdf  Kenchington, Laurence, 2020. The breeding of Simalia amethistina and Simalia nauta. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 110-150.
pdf  Kenchington, Laurence, 2020. Notable fatal health issues in the genus Simalia. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 151-156.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2020. Interview with Cees A.P. van Riel. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 86-89.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2020. Interview with Peernel Zwart. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 203-206.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2020. Interview with Hans Clevers. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 287-291.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2020. Interview with Anton van Woerkom. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 368-376.
pdf  Laoungbua, Panithi, 2020. Thailand, the home of the giant snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 78-85.
pdf  Riel, Cees van, 2020. Morelia spilota spilota (Lacépčde, 1804). Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 57-61.
pdf  Mackaay, Matthijs, 2020, Photo: Juvenile Zamenis longissimus. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 157.
pdf  Schiereck, Piet, 2020. Eat everything neatly. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 186-192.
pdf  Smalbrugge, Sterrin, 2020. An encounter of a lifetime. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 94-99.
pdf  Stark, Tariq & Annemarieke Spitzen-van der Sluijs, 2020. Snake Fungal Disease - Study results 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(2): 193-195.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2020. Experiences with European water snakes in the terrarium hobby. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 324-338.
pdf  Veen, Rob, 2020. About the occurrence of the European adder (Vipera berus) and the asp viper (Vipera aspis) in the department Creuse (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France). Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 250-273.
pdf  Verveen-Keulemans, Nel, 2020. Experience is the best teacher. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 6-9.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2020. Book review: Sterrin Smalbrugge, Het grote reptielenboek. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(1): 100-103.
pdf  Weg, Mike van der, 2020. Viper week in the Creuse (2018 and 2019). Litteratura Serpentium, 40(3): 274-280.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2020. Additional requirements when buying, selling or exchanging snakes listed in Annex B. Litteratura Serpentium, 40(4): 379-381.
  VOLUME 39, 2019
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 1-5, 44.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 45-49, 96.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 97-101, 144.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 145-149, 196.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2019. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 191-195.
pdf  Bittenbinder, Máthyás, 2019. Venom! Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 164-171.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2019. Hands filled with vipers. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 107-110.
pdf  Colli, Cesare, 2019. Breeding Coluber constrictor priapus (Southern black racer). Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 111-115.
pdf  Colli, Cesare, 2019. Breeding Psammophis phillipsi. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 178-183.
pdf  Dockrill, Peter, 2019. A three-eyed snake has been discovered in a small Australian town. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 93-95.
pdf  Doorn, Loďc van, 2019. The mystery unraveled? Radio-telemetry of Smooth snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 150-163.
pdf  Graham, Sean P., 2019. American snakes. Preface. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 20-28.
pdf  Hebbard, Stuart, 2019. Photo: Python natalensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 50.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom & Lieselot De Vos, 2019. Photo: Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus). Okefenokee Swamp Park, Waycross, Georgia, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 20.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom & Jules Simard, 2019. Disorders of the spectacle and subspectacular space in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 72-83.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2019. Heating without the good old light bulb. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 60-66.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2019. An egg is (sometimes) part of it. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 67-71.
pdf  Jasker, Marjon, 2019. An exceptional experience with two brothers of Orthriophis taeniurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 102-106.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2019. Book review: Stephen Spawls, A Guide to amphibians and reptiles of the Maasai Mara. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 38-43.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2019. Book review: Philippe Geniez, Snakes of Europe, North Africa & The Middle East; A photographic guide, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 84-92.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2019. Photo: Red bamboo trinket snake (Oreocryptophis porphyraceus laticinctus) from Snakeday 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 116.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2019. Snakes of the Snakeday 2012-2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 116-131.
pdf  Magne, Emmanuel, 2019. Who can help? Fauteuils de guérisseurs, healer chairs. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 143.
pdf  Mazza, Marco, 2019. Breeding Trimeresurus puniceus. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 172-177.
pdf  Mulder, Greetje, 2019. Photo: Morelia viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 60.
pdf  Riel, Cees A.P. van, 2019. Simalia boeleni (Brongersma, 1953). Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 15-19.
pdf  Starr, Michelle, 2019. Chinese man chops off own finger after snake bite, doctors say it was unnecessary. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 184-186.
pdf  Verveen, Bert, 2019. Photo: Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 72.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2019. Book review: Sean P. Graham, American snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 29-37.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2019. The phenomenal inquiries of Ron Bronckers. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(1): 6-14.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2019. Book review: Richard Douglas Justice, Snakes in Grey, Serpents in Blue: Snakes in the American Civil War. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 132-140.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2019. Snakes as weapon. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(3): 141-142.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2019. Flying buffet, Chrysopelea ornata eats Dasia olivacea. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(4): 187-190.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2019. Risks associated with giant invasive snakes in the Everglades. Litteratura Serpentium, 39(2): 50-59.
  VOLUME 38, 2018
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 1-5, 48.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2): 49-53, 95-96.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 97-101, 131-132.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 133-135, 137, 184.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2018. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 204-207.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2018. The persuasiveness of Henriëtte. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 7-13.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2018. A good word for a brave viper hunter. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2): 54-58.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2018. A certificate for Antoine Prunier. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 109-111.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2018. Vipers at the front during the Second World War. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 140-143.
pdf  Dockrill, Peter, 2018. We really are born with a natural fear of spiders and snakes, new study shows. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 35-37.
pdf  Flagle, Ari R., 2018. Nesting observations and ecology of the Boelen's python, Simalia boeleni, West Papua New Guinea. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 144-155.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2018. Book review: America’s Snake, the Rise and Fall of the Timber Rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 28-34.
pdf  Janssen, Pedro, 2018. Photo: Vipera aspis aspis, France. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 6.
pdf  Kuijf, Raymond, 2018. Naturalis Biodiversity Center - Venom! Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 156-161.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2018. Conservation of snakes and preventing snakebites in Indonesia by local organisations. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 119-125.
pdf  Mulley, John, 2018. How the snake got its extra long body? Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 44-47.
pdf  Oplinus, Sharon, 2018. The Malagasy hognose snake Leioheterodon madagascariensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 112-118.
pdf  Salo, Pälvi, 2018. Snake fungal disease - a novel threat? Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 14-27.
pdf  Stark, Tariq & Annemarieke Spitzen, 2018. Snake sloughs wanted for disease study. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 138-139.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2018. European water snakes and the competative exclusion principle. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2): 59-87.
pdf  Tam, Nicole, 2018. Successful breeding of the Rufous beaked snake (Rhamphiophis rostratus). Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 162-167.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2018. Book review: Diamonds in the Rough. Natural History of the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(2): 88-94.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2018. Hot sex. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 126-129.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2018. Snakes as executioners. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 130-131.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2018. Book review, Mark O'Shea, The Book of Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 168-176.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2018. Cleopatra. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 177-179.
pdf  Weima, André, 2018. Photo: 2.1 Crotalus triseriates triseriates. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 34, 43.
pdf  Weima, André, 2018. Photo: Echis coloratus coloratus. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(4): 136.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2018. Titanoboa cerrejonensis, the biggest snake ever. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(1): 38-42.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2018. A baby snake of 99 million years old. Litteratura Serpentium, 38(3): 102-108.
  VOLUME 37, 2017
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1): 1-5.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 49-52, 102, 104.
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 105-108, 143-144.
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4): 105-108, 143-144.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1-3): omslagen.
pdf  Index, 2017. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4): 204-207.
pdf  Al, Erwin, 2017. Book review: Veldgids Amphibieën en reptielen, West- en Centraal Europa. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 137-139.
pdf  Bol, Steven, 2017. A rare and fascinating species of Garter snake: the Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake Thamnophis scaliger Jan, 1863. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 53-76.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2017. This grandpa is obsessed with reptiles. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1): 18-26.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2017. Who's the man in black? Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 77-79.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2017. The indispensible viper hunter. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 133-135.
pdf  Bruyndonckx, Herman, 2017. Fifty years on the Red-List! The story behind the San Francisco gartersnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4): 150-178.
pdf  Dijkman, Dr. Marieke & drs. Irma de Vries, 2017. Apply a pressure-immobilization bandage, yes or no? In the Dutch situation not necessary. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 114-120.
pdf  Even, Eddy, 2017. Vipers in the Alps. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1): 6-17.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Dr. Tom, 2017. Call for help: Inclusion Body Disease (IBD). Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 103.
pdf  Janssen, Pedro, 2017. Photo: Vipera berus, Switzerland. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 114.
pdf  Krikke, Marc, 2017. Help, my red rat snake does not eat (anymore). Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1): 41-48.
pdf  Salo, Pälvi, 2017. Like putting out fires: Saving a secretive endangered snake from extinction. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4): 179-200.
pdf  Veen, Rob, 2017. Where are the Aspic Vipers in the Creuse Department? Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 80-88.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2017. Book review: D. Bruce Means, Stalking the Plumed Serpent and other Adventures in Herpetology. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 89-94.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2017. The Great Serpent Mound. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 109-113.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2017. Nice to know: Come and see, come and see... Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 140-141.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2017. Photo: Male and female Zamenis persica. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 142.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2017. And then there were only eighteen... Litteratura Serpentium, 37(4): 201-203.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2017. Positivelists and other legal threads to our hobby. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(1): 27-40.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2017. Home checks at pet owners by government officials in The Netherlands. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(2): 95-101 [in Dutch].
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2017. Raising juvenile Bothriechis schlegelii. Litteratura Serpentium, 37(3): 121-132, 136.
  VOLUME 36, 2016
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 1-5, 32, 40.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 41-44, 104.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 105-109, 160.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 161-165, 206, 212.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1-4): omslagen.
pdf  Index, 2016. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 207-211.
pdf  Abuys, Marc, 2016. In memoriam Bert Abuys. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 6-10.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2016. Adders: more or less. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 11-14.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2016. A wet nose to hunt vipers. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 111-113.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron & Marcel van der Voort, 2016. Slip into the skin of a viper! Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 145-153.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2016. The viper hunt on the island of Martinique. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 177-186.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom, 2016. Picture: Milos viper (Macrovipera lebetina). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 110.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom, 2016. Good to know: An update on snake fungal disease (SFD). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 154-159.
pdf  Huizinga, Robin & Matthijs Mackaay, 2016. Research internship about the distribution of the Vipera aspis and the Vipera berus in the Department Creuse, France. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 114-121.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2016. Biological control of snake mite in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 32-36.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2016. The Pueblan milk snake, a beautiful terrarium guest. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 85-98.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2016. What happened to the Milksnakes? Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 72-84.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2016. Book review, A.A. Verveen, The Behaviour Cycle of the Boa constrictor in Captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 195-199.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan & Chantal, 2016. The snake and the kris. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 99-103.
pdf  Stark, Tariq, 2016. Rectification: Notes on colour, foraging and diurnal activity in the Neotropical colubrid snake Leptodrymus pulcherrimus on Ometepe Island (Nicaragua). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 39.
pdf  Steehouder, Ton, 2016. Breeding Psammophis sibilans. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 15-31.
pdf  Steehouder, Ton, 2016. Breeding Psammophis sibilans. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 45-59.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2016. Distinctive behaviour of Dice snakes (Natrix tessellata). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(2): 60-71.
pdf  Timms, Juan, 2016. Bothriopsis taeniata (Wagler, 1824). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(3): 122-144.
pdf  Tongeren, Sander van, 2016. Dusky Pygmy rattlesnake; a search in the wild. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 187-194.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2016. A snake for a heart. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(1): 37-38.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2016. In memoriam Prof. Dr. A.A. Verveen (11 September 1930 - 18 August 2016). Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 166-176.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2016. From the legacy of Prof. Dr. A.A. Verveen. Litteratura Serpentium, 36(4): 200-205.
  VOLUME 35, 2015
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1): 1-6, 55-56.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): 57-60, 111-112.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3): 113-116, 147-148.
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 149-153, 199-200.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2015. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 196-198.
pdf  Al, Erwin, 2015. Interview with Hermann Stöckl: The Crossbreed Problem. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 186-190.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2015. Viper hunters from Lyon. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3): 128-133.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2015. The viper in the bottle. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 174-185.
pdf  Bussel, jarno van, 2015. A chance encounter with an Adder (Vipera berus) in Northern-Europe. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): 108-109.
pdf  Delft, Jeroen van & Pedro Janssen, 2015. The adder in The Netherlands; distribution, status and trends. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1): 29-54.
pdf  Ernst, Mark, 2015. Kukrisnakes and a very curious feeding method. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): 61-88.
pdf  Gittenberger, Edmund & Marinus S. Hoogmoed, 2015. The christian snake cult on the Ionian island of Kefallinia. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 154-160.
pdf  Kuijf, Raymond, 2015. My experience with Oreocryptophis porphycareus laticinctus. Vol 35(4): 168-173.
pdf  Kuijf, Raymond, 2015. The Power of Poison - an exposition about poison. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 191-195.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2015. How to study a herpetological fauna? Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3): 134-142.
pdf  Schilperoord, Peter, 2015. A bite from an Echis carinatus sochureki. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): 89-107.
pdf  Stark, Tariq, 2015. Notes on colour, foraging and diurnal activity in the Neotropical colubrid snake Leptodrymus pulcherrimus on Ometepe Island (Nicaragua). Litteratura Serpentium, 35(4): 161-167.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2015. Hunting stage of a giant snake (Boa constrictor) 3: Boa constrictor as a pet. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1): 7-28.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2015. Judge Tie as a herpetologist, Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3): 143-146.
pdf  Water, Hubert van de, 2015. Captive management and breeding of the Emerald tree boa, Corallus caninus/Corallus batesii. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(3): 117-127.
pdf  Weima, André, 2015. Picture: 1.0 Bitis arietans Windhoek, Namibia. Adult size ± 70-80 cm. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(2): 110.
  VOLUME 34, 2014
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 1-5, 86-88.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 89-93, 166-168.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(3): 169-173, 218-220.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 221-226, 322-324.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 35(1-4): 165, covers.
pdf  Index, 2014. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 317-321.
pdf  Anonymus, 2014. Henry Walter Bates, 1863, The Naturalist on the River Amazons: two encounters with snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 163-164.
pdf  Anonymus, 2014. Nicolas Cage, One with the snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(3): 216-217.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2014. Don Amedeo Ruscetta, the master Viperaro: he who taught Children how to catch vipers. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 6-12.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2014. The hunt for vipers in the woods of Fontainebleau. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 94-103.
pdf  Dijkman, dr. Marieke & drs. Irma de Vries, 2014. HELP, I got bitten by my snake. The do's and certain don'ts. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 70-81.
pdf  Els, Johannes & Richard D.L. Mastenbroek, 2014. The Arabian cobra (Naja arabica) (Scortecci, 1932) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(3): 200-215.
pdf  Genderen, P.J.J. van, L. Slobbe, H. Koene, R.D.L. Mastenbroek & D. Overbosch, 2014. Keeping venomous snakes in the Netherlands: a harmless hobby or a public health threat? Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 22-32.
pdf  Hoogmoed, Marinus S., 2014. Bookreview: Ruud de Lang, The snakes of the Moluccas (Maluku), Indonesia. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 68-69.
pdf  Janssen, Pedro, 2014. The Northern Viper, Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 253-289.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2014. Bites by venomous snakes from the Indonesian region Wallacea. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 33-40.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2014. Personal experiences with bites by moderately venomous snakes in Sulawesi and the Moluccas. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 41-45.
pdf  Lenders, Rob, 2014. Ten a penny? Deadly viper bites in the Netherlands in a socioeconomic perspective. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 290-316.
pdf  Mastenbroek, Richard, 2014. Raising baby king cobras. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 13-21.
pdf  Mastenbroek, Richard, 2014. Keeping venomous snakes, an explosively increased part of keeping reptiles. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 104-112.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2014. Hunting stage of a giant snake (Boa constrictor) 1. Boa sets out. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 132-157.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2014. Hunting stage of a giant snake (Boa constrictor). 2: Boa hunting. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(3): 174-199.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2014. A visit to the snake farm of Thai Red Cross County. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 113-131.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2014. The Snakes of Juul Kraijer. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(2): 158-162.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2014. Staatsbosbeheer at work at the Meinweg. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 249-252.
pdf  Weima, André, 2014. Sensible venomous snake keeping. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 46-58.
pdf  Weima, André, 2014. Description of two snakebite incidents causing envenomation. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 59-67.
pdf  Weima, André, 2014. Care and breeding of Vipera ammodytes. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(4): 227-248.
pdf  Zwartepoorte, Henk, 2014. The European Studbook Foundation in motion. Litteratura Serpentium, 34(1): 83-85.
  VOLUME 33, 2013
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1): 1-5.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): 65-67, 128.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 129, 131, 175-176.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 177-181, 254.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2013. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 323-328.
pdf  Al, Erwin, 2013. Book review: M. Dorcas & John D. Willson, Invasive pythons in the United States. Ecology of an introduced predator. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 169-174.
pdf  Benfer, Jeff, 2013. Piebald eastern gartersnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 188-192.
pdf  Benfer, Jeff, 2013. Plethora of Morphs in Garter Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 193-198.
pdf  Bol, Steven, 2013. Redstripe Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (Rossman, 1963) in the wild and in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 199-220.
pdf  Bol, Steven & Herbert Bruchmann, 2013. Scott's Mexican Garter Snake (Thamnophis eques scotti; Conant, 2003) in the wild and in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1): 42-64.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2013. Bounty hunting for vipers in France. The picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 6: Jean Martin, nicknamed Pčre Martin. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1): 6-15.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2013. Bounty hunting for vipers in France. The picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 7. Jean-Baptiste Courtol, nicknamed Courtol the viper assassin. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): 118-127.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2013. Bounty hunting for vipers in France. The picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 8: Louis Paul Brun, nicknamed Paulus. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 132-139.
pdf  Dalen, Niels van, 2013. My first experience with keeping garter snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 221-226.
pdf  Ernst, Mark, 2013. Positieflijsten: weinig positiefs. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): 68-76.
pdf  Goethem, Erwin van, 2013. My experiences with Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus reticulatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 227-235.
pdf  Goethem, Erwin van, 2013. Storeria dekayi limnetes (Boundy et al. 2012). Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 236-245.
pdf  Harper, Chris & Bryan Grieg Fry, 2013. Anaphylaxis and the Venomous Keeper: What you need to know. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): 107-117.
pdf  Kofron, C.P. , 2013. Literature: 'Foods and Habitats of Aquatic Snakes (Reptilia, Serpentes) in a Louisiana Swamp'. Journal of Herpetology, 1978, Litteratura Serpentium, 12: 543-554. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 316-317.
pdf  Krikke, Marc, 2013. Snakes to fall in love with. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 246-253.
pdf  Mastenbroek, Richard, 2013. Feeding King Cobras. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 149-155.
pdf  Nieuwenhuis, Wouter, 2013. Beginners Experience with keeping gartersnakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 182-187.
pdf  Radnai, Franck, 2013. The chemical communication in Ophidians. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 140-148.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. How I feed my garter snakes (Thamnophis). Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 255-280.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. Picture: Thamnophis atratus atratus, adult, female. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 330.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. Pictures: Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus, adult, female en Thamnophis eques scotti, subadult, female. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 331.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. Picture: Thamnophis fulvus, just born. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 332-333.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. Pictures: Thamnophis hammondii, adult, female, Thamnophis melanogaster canescens, adult, female en Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis, juvenile, male. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 334-335.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 2013. Pictures: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, erythristic, adult, female en Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia, subadult, female. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 336.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2013. Experiences with the chequered garter snake (Thamnophis marcianus marcianus). Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 281-293.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2013. More fun with robust water snakes of the genus Nerodia. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 294-308.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2013. Book review: Monumental book about the dice snake (Natrix tessellata). Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 318-322.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2013. Picture: Natrix tessellata, Italië, Soave. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 329.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2013. Picture: Nerodia taxispilota, VS, Florida. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 330.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. , 2013. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor), 7. Irregular spatiotemporal origin and spread of the renewal stage. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(1): 16-41.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. , 2013. Hunting stage of a giant snake (Boa constrictor) 8. Events accompanying the renewal phase. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 156-168.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. , 2013. The ringed snake in the Dutch press in bygone times (1618 - 1879). Litteratura Serpentium, 33(4): 309-315.
pdf  Weima, André, 2013. Picture: Cerastes gasparetti. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(3): 130.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 2013. The construction and decoration of a paludarium for small tree snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 33(2): 77-106.
  VOLUME 32, 2012
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 1-5, 64.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 65-67.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(3): 113-116, 160.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 161-164, 176, 249, 256.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1-4): 26, 93, 135, 248, covers.
pdf  Index, 2012. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 250-252, 254-255.
pdf  Anonymus, 2012. Don't tread on me. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 110.
pdf  Anonymus, 2012. Bookreview: Jan Paul Schutten, Smell what I have to say. The language of plants and animals (in Dutch). Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 110-111.
pdf  Anonymus, 2012. Exhibition: Goddelijk en griezelig. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 112.
pdf  Anonymus, 2012. Just some books about rattlesnakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 246-247.
pdf  Bagnoli, Claudio, 2012. 'Ecosave': a modern and efficacious first-aid treatment for snakebite. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(3): 121-134.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2012. Bounty hunting for vipers in France. The picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 5. François Raison, nicknamed Pčre Raison. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 6-12.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2012. Rattlesnake Pete. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 177-180.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron & Nigel Harle, 2012. The excellent power of viper powder ? an 18th century pamphlet. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 94-109.
pdf  Carels, R.A., M. Janse, P.S.J. Klaver, I. de Vries, P.A. Kager & D. Overbosch, 2012. Acute recue of patients bitten by a venomous snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 219-235.
pdf  Hellebuyck, Tom, 2012. Captive breeding characteristics of the Uracoan rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus vegrandis). Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 181-186.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2012. Pain is the main driver for venomous snakesbites in humans. Part 4. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 68-77.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2012. Book review: Dieter Hirschkorn & Bernd Skubowius, Bullennattern, Gophernattern, Kiefernattern. Die Gattung Pituophis. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(3): 156-159.
pdf  Kock, Gerard de, 2012. Pythons incubating their own eggs. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(3): 117-120.
pdf  Marais, Johan, 2012. Men and Mambas. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 27-38.
pdf  Mastenbroek, Richard, 2012. My first Kings, King Cobras from the past. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 39-58.
pdf  Means, Bruce, 2012. Time to End Rattlesnake Roundups. The Ecological Impacts of a Long Tradition. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 187-194.
pdf  Means, Bruce, 2012. The Eastern Diamondback. Gentle Ben of Rattlesnakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 195-200.
pdf  Miele, Nazzareno, 2012. Searching for the king. A story of a herper in the Agumbe. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 13-25.
pdf  Overduin, Dr. Floris, 2012. Snake poetry in Ancient Greek: Nicander's Theriaca. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(2): 78-92.
pdf  Skubowius, Bernd, 2012. Some encounter with the Arizona Black Rattlesnake Crotalus cerberus (Coues, 1875). Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 165-175.
pdf  Sooy, Kent Van, 2012. Picture: A red diamond rattlesnake that was found in a rock pile less than a mile away from thousands of suburban homes. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 218.
pdf  Teunissen, Daisy, 2012. Crotalus cerastes cercobombus. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 236-245.
pdf  Townsend, Bill, 2012. Grandslam! or how I found all 4 species of San Diego Rattle Snake in 1 day! Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 201-217.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2012. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor). 6. Dermal blood flow. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(3): 136-155.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2012. Bookreview, Rodger McPhail, The private life of Adders. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(1): 59-63.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2012. Pictures: Crotalus unicolor. Litteratura Serpentium, 32(4): 253.
  VOLUME 31, 2011
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1): 1-4.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): 73-77.
pdf  Contents, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, Litteratura Serpentium, 31(3): 121-122.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 169-172.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1-4): covers.
pdf  Index, 2011. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 215-216.
pdf  Bagnoli, Claudio, 2011. Nose Horned Viper: Queen of the Stonewalls. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 173-188.
pdf  Bol, Steven, 2011. Exciting observations on two sympatric garter snakes in La Laguna de Chapala, Mexico. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1): 5-42.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2011. Bounty hunting for vipers in France. The picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 4. Father Chabirand, a man with a mission. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(3): 123-129.
pdf  Bussel, Jarno van, 2011. Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) and viper (Vipera berus). Litteratura Serpentium,31(2): 78-81.
pdf  Mastenbroek, Richard, 2011. Naja annulifera Peters 1854. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): 99-119.
pdf  Storm, Paul, 2011. The Viperine Snake (Natrix maura) in nature and in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1): 43-68.
pdf  Teunissen, Daisy, 2011. A fascination for Python molurus molurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): 82-91.
pdf  Velden, Robby van der, 2011. Breeding the forgotten Eastern Indigo Snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(3): 130-135.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2011. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor). Part 5. 5. Cell growth: The blue belly curve and the grey eyes curve. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(3): 136-163.
pdf  Vonk, Freek, 2011. Origin of fangs. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): 92-98.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2011. Snakes on your plate. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(1): 69-72.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2011. Swiss pills and serendipity. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(3): 164-168.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2011. Born to hunt. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 200-205.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2011. Asklepius and his attributes. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 208-214.
pdf  Weima, André, 2011. Picture: Bitis atropos. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(2): 120.
pdf  Weima, André, 2011. Picture: Vipera aspis hugyi. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 202.
pdf  Weima, André, 2011. Picture: Vipera seoanei cantabrica. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 203.
pdf  Weima, André, 2011. Picture: Vipera ammodytes ammodytes. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 206.
pdf  Weima, André, 2011. Picture: Vipera ammodytes meridionalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 207.
pdf  Wouwenberg, Eric, 2011. Breeding and taking care of Aspidites ramsayi, the Woma Python. Litteratura Serpentium, 31(4): 189-198.
  VOLUME 30, 2010
pdf  Cover and Colophon, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 1-5.
pdf  Contents, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 49-51.
pdf  Contents, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 97-99.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 161-167.
pdf  Humor, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 137, 160.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1-4): 13, 65, 136, 206, covers.
pdf  Index, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 270-272.
pdf  Aelian, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 95-96.
pdf  Aelian, 2010. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 108-109.
pdf  Bonny, Klaus, 2010. Taxonomy of West Indian species of the genus Boa. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 172-205.
pdf  Devisch, Fangio, 2010. Rhynchophis boulengeri. Vietnamese long-nosed snake, rhino rat snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 078-085.
pdf  Hagedoorn, Eke, 2010. Bert Verveen (emeritus professor of fysiology) and Little Oval. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 168-171.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2010. Artificial insemination - update. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 11-12.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2010. Pain is the main driver for venomous snakebites in humans. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 40-47.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2010. Pain is the main driver for venomous snakebites in humans. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 52-64.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2010. Pain is the main driver for venomous snakebites in humans. Part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 138-159.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2010. The reticulated python (Broghammerus reticulatus) and man (Homo sapiens) eat each other: animals, enjoy your meal! Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 254-269.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2010. Colour and pattern variants in Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota). Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 208-218.
pdf  Townsend, Bill, 2010. Rosy Boas: A Southern California Legend. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 219-239.
pdf  Velden, Robby van der, 2010. (Breeding)experience with the Chinese twin-spotted ratsnake (Elaphe bimaculata). Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 6-10.
pdf  Velden, Robby van der, 2010. Keeping and breeding Eryx (Gongylophis) conicus. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 86-94.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor): How often does a boa shed its skin? Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 14-28.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor), part 3. How much food does Boa constrictor consume per shedding cycle? Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 66-76.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Erratum: References to the paper by A.A. Verveen, 2009. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor). The Epidermis. Litteratura Serpentium 29 (4): 172-183. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(2): 77.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Audubons tale of the chase of the Rattlesnake (1827). Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 100-107.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor), part 4. The colours of the skin. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(3): 110-135.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2010. Book review: Klaus Bonny, 2007. Die Gattung Boa. Taxonomie und Fortpflanzung. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 240-253.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2010. Picture: Giant Snake waiting for visitors in Musée Antoine Bourdelle (Paris). Litteratura Serpentium, 30(4): 207.
pdf  Weima, André, 2010. Picture: 0.1 Sistrurus miliarius streckeri. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 29.
pdf  Weima, André, 2010. Care and Breeding of Pseudocerastes cerastes persicus in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 30-39.
pdf  Weima, André, 2010. Picture: 0.1 Bitis cornuta. Litteratura Serpentium, 30(1): 48.
  VOLUME 29, 2009
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 1-3, 5.
pdf  Contents, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 49-51.
pdf  Contents, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 97-99.
pdf  Contents, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 145-147.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1-4): 4, 27, 48, 70, 96, 113, 144, 154, 192, covers.
pdf  Index, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 189-191.
pdf  Aelian, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 68-69.
pdf  Aelian, 2009. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 142-143.
pdf  Board of the Society, 2009. Phasing out of light bulbs. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 86-87.
pdf  Board of the Society, 2009. Mexican flu and the Snakeday on 11 October. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 100-102.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2009. Bounty hunting in France. Picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 2. Henri Auvray nicknamed Deça. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 6-16.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2009. Bounty hunting in France. Picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 3. Michel Vergne, nicknamed Jean Serpent. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 119-128.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2009. Picture: python Morelia amethistina clarki. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 155.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2009. Picture: Taipan. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 187.
pdf  Jackson, Kate, 2009. Mean and lowly things. Snakes, science and survival in the Congo - fragment. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 40-46.
pdf  Jong, Richard de, 2009. Bookreview The Snakes of Arabia. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 63-67.
pdf  Knight, Sue, 2009. Some Captive Observation Notes on The Timor Ratsnake - Coelognathus subradiatus subradiatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 156-165.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2009. Care and breeding of the papua carpet python Morelia spilota harrisoni. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 52-62.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2009. Tongue flicking behaviour by Morelia spilota and Morelia bredli. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 166-171.
pdf  Ploegaert, Theo, 2009. Boas at school. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 130-140.
pdf  Reeuwijk, Noortje, Geert van Dijk, Henk de Groot & Frans van Knapen, 2009. Risks of human salmonelle infection by keeping snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 148-153.
pdf  Velden, Robby van der, 2009. Breeding with albino tiger python in Olmense Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 71-76.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2009. De slangen van Audubon - plaat 21: de ratelslang Crotalus horridus. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 18-26.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2009. The snakes of Audubon, plate 116. The black racer, Coluber constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 88-95.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2009. Circle dance of a South-African snake: a notice and a speculation. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 114-117.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2009. Ecdysis cycle of a giant snake (Boa constrictor). Part 1: The epidermis. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 172-183.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. & M. Kooij, with cooperation of J. Colijn, H. H. van der Mey & W. P. Walen, 2009. Ulcerous stomatitis in two constrictors. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(2): 77-85.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2009. Bookreview: Kate Jackson, Mean and lowly things. Snakes, science and survival in the Congo. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 28-39.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2009. Book review: Jon Furman, Timber Rattlesnakes in Vermont & New York. Biology, History, and the Fate of an endangered species. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 104-112.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2009. Book review: Jamie James, The Snake Charmer. A Life and Death in Pusuit of Knowledge. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(4): 184-188.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Pictures: Vipera transcaucasiana. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 17.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Picture: Vipera latasti. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(1): 47.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Pictures: Vipera ammodytes and Sistrurus ravus ravus. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 103.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Pictures: Vipera ammodytes ammodytes and Vipera aspis aspis. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 118.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Pictures: Vipera kaznakovi and Vipera lebetina schweizeri. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 129.
pdf  Weima, André, 2009. Pictures: Vipera seoanei cantbrica and Vipera latasti latasti. Litteratura Serpentium, 29(3): 141.
  VOLUME 28, 2008
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 1-5.
pdf  Contents, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(2): 65-66.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 113-117.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(4): 161-165.
pdf  Advertisements, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1-4): 48, 51, 53, 62, 64, 67, 84, 87, 111, 112, 125, 128, 136, 155, 159, 160, 187, 188, 219, 223, 224, covers.
pdf  Index, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(4): 220-222.
pdf  Aelian, 2008. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 156-158.
pdf  Ahvenainen, Pirjo, 2008. The Rosy boa (Lichanura trivirgata ssp.) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(2): 88-101.
pdf  Braspenning, Hanni, 2008. My Snake World. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 118-124.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2008. Harry (Henry) 'Brusher' Mills. The snake-catcher of New Forest. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 54-61.
pdf  Bronckers, Ron, 2008. The premium hunt for vipers in France. Picture postcard mapping of a profession. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(4): 189-209.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2008. Artificial or assisted insemination in snakes as a new method to aid captive breeding. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 137-154.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2008. Artificial or assisted insemination in snakes as a new method to aid captive breeding. part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(4): 166-186.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2008. Bookreview: The Vipers of Europe. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 126-127.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2008. Increase in weight and lenght of Boa constrictor. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 6-25.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2008. Increase in weight and length of Boa cobstrictor. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(2): 68-83, 85-86.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2008. The snakes of Audubon. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(2): 102-110.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2008. The snakes of Audubon. Plate 52. The harlequin snake Micrurus fulvius. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(3): 129-135.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2008. The snakes of Audubon. Print 72. Swallow-tailed hawk securing a garter snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(4): 210-218.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2008. Viridovipera vogeli. Captive husbandry and reproduction. Part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 26-50.
pdf  Weima, André, 2008. Pictures: Bitis wortingtoni and Atheris sqamiger. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 52.
pdf  Weima, André, 2008. Picture: Vipera transcaucasiana. Litteratura Serpentium, 28(1): 63.
  VOLUME 27, 2007
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1): 1-4.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 49-52.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 97-100.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 161-164.
pdf  Advertisements, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1-4): 5, 34, 48, 53, 76, 96, 101, 126, 130, 140, 160, 165, 190, 195, 201, 204, 227, covers.
pdf  Index, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 229-232.
pdf  Aelian, 2007. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 158-159.
pdf  Colli, Cesare, 2007. Breeding Malpolon monspessulanus monspessulanus (Montpellier snake). Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 69-73.
pdf  Colli, Cesare, 2007. A case of cannibalism in captivity on balkan whip snake Hierophis gemonensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 102-104.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2007. Reaction to Mark Lukas, The genus Antaresia. Small but real pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 92-93.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2007. Pictures: Burmese python, albino and Olive python, albino. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 94.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2007. Picture: Acantophis cummingi, first slough. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 95.
pdf  Ratsnake Foundation, 2007. Request. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 228.
pdf  Rensberg, Craig van, 2007. The Lebombo or Intermediate Shield Cobra, Aspidelaps scutatus intermedius (Serpentes: Elapidae). Captive husbandry, reproduction and maintenance of young. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 77-91.
pdf  Skubowius, Bernd, 2007. Bull snakes (Pituophis catenifer sayi), the keeping of this variable species. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1): 35-47.
pdf  Smith, Charles, 2007. Sexual Dimorphism and Growth in the Boa constrictor. 1. Introduction; Scalation; Length-Weight Relationship. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1): 6-22.
pdf  Smith, Charles, 2007. Sexual Dimorphism and Growth in the Boa constrictor. 2. Growth over time. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 54-68.
pdf  Smith, Charles R., 2007. Sexual Dimorphism and Growth in the Boa constrictor 3. Discussion. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 105-116.
pdf  Smith, Paul Greig, 2007. Andaman Adventure April 2007: A Colours Herpetological Holiday. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 202-203, 205-213.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2007. An unexpected examine. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 196-201.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. & Jeroen Rouwkema, 2007. The iridescent epidermis of Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 117-125, 127-129, 131-136.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2007. Building a special enclosure for venomous snakes, safe for both the keeper and the animals in 6 chapters. Part 4. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(1): 23-33.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2007. Viridovipera vogeli. Captive husbandry and reproduction. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 137-139, 141-157.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2007. Viridovipera vogeli. Captive husbandry and reproduction. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 214-227.
pdf  Vonk, Freek, 2007. Snake venom in medical science. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 166-183.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2007. Strange people. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(4): 184-189, 191-194.
pdf  Weima, André, 2007. Pictures: Vipera transcaucasiana en Agkistrodon contortrix. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 74.
pdf  Weima, André, 2007. Pictures: Atheris sqamiger en Cerastes cerastes mutila. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(2): 75.
pdf  Weima, André, 2007. Picture: Vipera latastei gaditana. Litteratura Serpentium, 27(3): 116.
  VOLUME 26, 2006
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 1-7.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(2): 121-125.
pdf  Contents, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 169-171.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 217-221.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): I-IV.
pdf  Advertisements, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1-4): 36, 49, 80, 135, 141, 184, 186, 199, 210, 216, 252, 256, covers.
pdf  Index, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 262-264.
pdf  Aelian, 2006. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 211-213.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2006. The end. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 240-244.
pdf  Axelsson, Jakob, 2006. Natural history and captive management of the Grey-banded kingsnake, Lampropeltis alterna (Brown 1901): A review of the literature. Part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 8-35.
pdf  Coucke, Gijs, 2006. Why have snakes no testes? Snakes in Aristotle's zoology. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 97-109.
pdf  Haas, Erik de, Jan-Cor Jacobs & Freek Vonk, 2006. Serpo celebrates its silver jubilee. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 222-226.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2006. Pecking orders in large venomous Snakes from South-east Australia ecological and distributional Implications. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(2): 142-156.
pdf  Janssen, Pedro, 2006. Spotlight on Reptiles and Amfibians. Part 1. Analog photography and composition. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 185, 187-210.
pdf  Jasker, M., 2006. Caresheet Pantherophis guttatus emoryi (Female). Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 214-215.
pdf  Kroeze, Allard, 2006. Breeding results Antaresia maculosa. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 237-239.
pdf  Lehr, André, 2006. Magic bells decorated with snakes and dragons. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 50-63.
pdf  Lisa, Deva, 2006. Moving Meditations: A return to the sacred feminine. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 110-118.
pdf  Lukas, Mark, 2006. The genus Antaresia. Small but real pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 227-236.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2006. A Burmese python Python molurus bivittatus nesting at a hight of over 2 meters. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 179-183.
pdf  Rijnberg, Justin, 2006. Eryx colubrinus loveridgei. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(2): 136-141.
pdf  Rogers, Kathleen, 2006. Viperscience. Ode to Jose Diaz Bolio (1902-2001). Background and introduction to his anthropological work. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 81-96.
pdf  Sterring, Ankie, 2006. Fatal attraction. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 64-70.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2006. The Circle Dance of the Garter Snake: Folklore. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 37-49.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2006. Death of two 14 year old Boa constrictor 2. The shaking male. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(2): 126-134.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2006. Housing-unit for venomous snakes. Building special cages for venomous snakes, with special attention to safety for animal and caretaker. 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(2): 157-168.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2006. Housing-unit for venomous snakes. Building special cages for venomous snakes, with special attention to safety for animal and caretaker. 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(3): 172-178.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2006. Housing-unit for venomous snakes. Building special cages for venomous snakes, with special attention to safety for animal and caretaker. 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 253-255, 257-261.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2006. Kukulkan's descent. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 71-79.
pdf  Weima, André, 2006. Picture: Bitis caudalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 63.
pdf  Weima, André, 2006. Picture: Vipera latasti gaditana. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(1): 119.
pdf  Wootten, Mark, 2006. The Tiger Ratsnake - Care and Breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 26(4): 245-252.
  VOLUME 25, 2005
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 1-5, 41, 43.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(2): 49-53, 96.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(3): 97-99.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 161-165.
pdf  Humor, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1-4): 48, 160.
pdf  Advertisements, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1-4): 35, 36, 79, 90, 127, 140, 191, 204, covers.
pdf  Index, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 253-256.
pdf  Aelian, 2005. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 44-45.
pdf  Arinin, Ivan Yu, 2005. Dione rat snake Elaphe dione Pallas, 1773: survey of geographical and selective variations of the collection of Tula Exotarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(3): 128-139, 141-145.
pdf  Axelsson, Jakob, 2005. Natural history and captive management of the Grey-banded kingsnake, Lampropeltis alterna (Brown 1901): A review of the literature. Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(3): 100-126.
pdf  Axelsson, 2005. Natural history and captive management of the Grey-banded kingsnake, Lampropeltis alterna (Brown 1901): A review of the literature. Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 169-189.
pdf  Beernaert, L. & D. Vancraeynest, 2005. Respiratory disorders in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 247-253.
pdf  Belt, Gidi van de & Wim van de Belt, 2005. The Dione-ratsnake, Elaphe dione Pallas 1773: in captivity breeding of Elaphe dione; a personal experience. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(3): 146-159.
pdf  Eriksson, Magnus, 2005. In memoriam Erik Atmarsson. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 166-168.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2005. Tail thrashing in Australian Elapid Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 12-18.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2005. Elaphe dione, the steppe rat snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 6-11.
pdf  Jacobs: Jan-Cor, 2005. Bookreview: The ball python, Care breeding and natural history, door Andreas Kirschner & Hermann Seufer. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 37-41.
pdf  Jasker, M., 2005. Care sheet Pantherophis guttatus emoryi (male). Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 46-47.
pdf  Laure, Dr. C.J., prof. dr. L.H. Anzaloni Pedrosa, Alexandra Jardim Sandrim, Armando Pradas del Rio, 2005. Venomous snakes in the north-east of the state Sao Paulo (Brasil). Litteratura Serpentium, 25(2): 54-78.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2005. Rectification on the article 'Mense, Marc, 2004. A Review of the Australo-Papuan Carpet Python complex (Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata and Morelia spilota), with a key to the species. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 42-43.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2005. Rescue of a probably smuggled Ladder Snake (Rhinechis scalaris). Litteratura Serpentium, 25(2): 91-95.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2005. Pseudomonas aerigonusa in Morelia spilota cheynei en Morelia spilota harrisoni; infection and treatment. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 242-246.
pdf  Tóth, Tamás, 2005. Tibor Kovács and Gábor Herczeg, Morphological Anomalies in a Finnish Subarctic Population of the Adder (Vipera berus berus). Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 206-215.
pdf  Tóth, Tamás, László Krecsák & Balázs Farkas, 2005. Traditional treatment of snakebite in Hungary. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 216-222.
pdf  Vancraeynest, Dieter, 2005. Inclusion body disease in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 223-232.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2005. The Circle Dance of the Garter Snake: Where do the names of these snakes come from? Litteratura Serpentium, 25(2): 80-89.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2005. Death of two 14 year old Boa constrictor, part 1. A seemingly pregnant female. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 190, 192-203, 205.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. & Tjard de Cock Buning, 2005. The circle dance of the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Second registration on video. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(1): 19-34.
pdf  Visser, Dick, 2005. Morsus ultimus (the last bite); peculiar 'suicidal behaviour' in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 25(4): 233-241.
  VOLUME 24, 2004
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 1-5.
pdf  Contents, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 49-51.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 97-101.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(4): 145-149.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1-3): 48, 96, 144.
pdf  Advertisements, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1-4): 43, 44, 66, 92, 95, 96, 114, 138, 140, 186, 188, 200, covers.
pdf  Index, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(4): 205-208.
pdf  Aelian, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 30-32.
pdf  Aelianus, 2004. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 94, 96.
pdf  Attmarsson, Erik, 2004. The reproductive husbandry of a group of Burmese pythons, Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 6-23.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2004. Breeding data of the aesculapian ratsnake (Elaphe longissima longissima). Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 26-30.
pdf  Gumprecht, Andreas, 2004. Euprepiophis mandarinus (Cantor). Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 112-125.
pdf  Raymond Hoser, Raymond, 2004. Feeding innovations for snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 33-43, 45-48.
pdf  Raymond Hoser, Raymond, 2004. 'Strictly nocturnal' snakes ? are they also diurnal? Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 80-91, 93.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2004. A new solution to a series of old problems... The best water containers yet for snake cages. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 104-111.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2004. The Eastern-African eggsnake Dasypeltis medici (lamuensis). Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 57-66.
pdf  Jasker, M., 2004. Care sheet Elaphe guttata emoryi (male). Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 78-79.
pdf  Leeuwen, A.J.R. van, 2004. The relevance of ultraviolet light for snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(1): 24-25.
pdf  Lindgren, Jukka, 2004. UV-lamps for terrariums. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(4): 150-177.
pdf  Mense, Marc, 2004. A Review of the Australo-Papuan Carpet Python complex (Morelia bredli, Morelia carinata and Morelia spilota), with a key to the species. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(4): 178-187, 189-199, 201-204.
pdf  Nuijten, Piet, 2004. The keeping and breeding of carpet pythons from Indonesia (Irian Jaya). Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 52-56.
pdf  Skubowius, Bernd, 2004. Keeping and breeding Pine Snakes Pituophis melanoleucus. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(2): 67-77.
pdf  Tóth, Tamás & Balázs Farkas, 2004. The Bosnian adder (Vipera berus bosniensis) in southwestern Hungary. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 129-139, 141-144.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2004. Postscript to the article of Jukka Lindgrend on UV-lamps for terrariums. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(4): 175-177.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2004. Snakes and death. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 102-103.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2004. A mobile snake exhibition in France. Litteratura Serpentium, 24(3): 126-128.
  VOLUME 23, 2003
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 1-4.
pdf  Contents, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 95-99.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 147-151.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 44-48.
pdf  Humor, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 37.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1-4): 47-48, 42-43, 145-146, 188-189.
pdf  Advertisements, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1-4): 11, 35, 45, 41, 48, 140, 144, 189, 190, omslagen.
pdf  Index, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 191-194.
pdf  Aelian, 2003. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 46.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2003. Using a mobile lamp as a heating cable. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 32-33.
pdf  Bakker, John, 2003. My experiences in keeping and breeding Crotalus cerastes Hallowell, 1854. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 137-139, 141-144.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2003. Notes on the captive keeping of horseshoe snake (Coluber hippocrepis spp.). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 12-17, 34.
pdf  Fenkl, Heinz Isu, 2003. The binary serpent I. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 124-133.
pdf  Fenkl, Heinz Insu, 2003. The binary serpent II. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 152-155.
pdf  Gladkikh, Alexey, 2003. The Siberian Herpetological Centre. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 156-159.
pdf  Gumprecht, Andreas, 2003. Coulognatus radiatus (Boie). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 11-20.
pdf  Gumprecht, Andreas, 2003. Coelognatus flavolineatus (Schlegel). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 180-187.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2003. Elaphe guttata is no longer. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 134-136.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2003. So, we'll just eat something else. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 160-162.
pdf  Jasker, M., 2003. Caresheet Elaphe guttata emoryi (male). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 38-39.
pdf  Lang, Ruud de, 2003. Snakes in Ketambe, Leuser ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 18-31.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2003. Effective use of a dipswitch. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 36.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 2003. Lampropeltis getulus californiae (Blanville, 1935). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 5-11.
pdf  Rowley, Paul, 2003. The development of a safe restraint method for handling adult specimens of the neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(1): 40-45.
pdf  Schröter MD, Matthias, Dietrich Mack MD & Rainer Laufs MD, 2003. Severe gastroenteritis due to Pseudomonas aerugibosa in eight captive born Gaboon Vipers (Bitis gabonica). Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 30-40.
pdf  Verveen, A., 2003. Is Boa constrictor a nocturnal animal? Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 4-10.
pdf  Verveen, A.A., 2003. Successful prediction of parturition in a Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4): 174-179.
pdf  Verveen, A.A. & Tjard de Cock Buning, 2003. The encircling serpent II, Thamnophis sirtalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 109-123, video.
pdf  Vogel, Gernot, 2003. Unusual food of Ahaetulla cf. prasina Fish hunting by treesnakes? Litteratura Serpentium, 23(4):163-173.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2003. Stratego with snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(2): 21-29.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2003. The encircling snake I. Litteratura Serpentium, 23(3): 100-108.
  VOLUME 22, 2002
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 1-6.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 49-52.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 97-99.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2).
pdf  Humor, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 89.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1-3): 42-46, 92-95, 134-136.
pdf  Advertisements, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1-3): 13, 19, 34, 47, 59, 71, 82, 96, 106, 126, 137, 144, covers.
pdf  Index, 2002. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 138-143.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2002. Snakes, frogs and a good night's rest. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 11-12.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2002. Snake, rattle and roll. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 104-105.
pdf  Broghammer, Stefan, 2002. Ranching programs run in the native countries & field studies made in the wild. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 28-31.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 2002. A visit to Pata Zoo in Bangkok. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 20-27.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2002. Caresheet: Lamprophis fuliginosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 132-133.
pdf  Dhont, John, 2002. All about ball pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 32-33.
pdf  Engh, Jack van den, 2002. The application of potasium permanganate (KMN)4 as first aid measure in snakebite: a fiction? Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 100-103.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2002. Bookreview: Stefan Broghammer, Königspythons: Lebensraum, Pflege und Zucht / Ball Pythons: habtitat, care and breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 35-38.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2002. Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 87-88.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2002. Bookreview: of Johan De Smedt, Die europäischen Vipern. Artbestimmung, Systematik, Haltung und Zucht. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 61-65.
pdf  Jasker, Marjon, 2002. Caresheet: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 90-91.
pdf  Kok, Wouter, 2002. Caresheet: Python regius. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 39-41.
pdf  Korsos, Zoltan, 2002. Pictures: Hungarian meadow viper. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 72-73.
pdf  Kovács, Tibor, 2002. What happened to the Hungarian meadow viper? Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 66-70, 72-73.
pdf  Kuperus, Siebren, 2002. Note of the translator: A tooth for willow. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 10.
pdf  Murphy, John & Harold Voris, 2002. Aquatic snakes with crustacean eating habits elude herpetologists for two centuries. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 107-114.
pdf  Nas, G. de, 2002. Food refusal. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 7-8.
pdf  Nolan, M., 2002. Pictures: Python regius albino. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 48.
pdf  Rijst, J. van der, 2002. Pictures: Vipera berus, starting courtship fight. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 65.
pdf  Ryabov, Sergei, 2002. Breeding of black mangrove snake, Boiga dendrophila gemmicincta (Dumeril, Bibron et Dumeril, 1954). Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 53-58, 60.
pdf  Smedt, Johan De, 2002. Care and breeding Vipera kaznakovi. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 74-78.
pdf  Tessel, Jan van, 2002. A tooth for willow. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 9-10.
pdf  Verveen, A., 2002. Able bodied Boa constrictor in 3D. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 115-118.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2002. The older the stories, the bigger the snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(1): 14-18.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2002. Of men who are afraid to deflower their wives. Litteratura Serpentium, 22(3): 119-125, 127-131.
pdf  Zuidema, Ebele, 2002. The Cuban Boa (Epicrates angulifer). Litteratura Serpentium, 22(2): 79-81, 83-86.
  VOLUME 21, 2001
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1, 5).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 1-3, 30.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 33-34, 60.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(3): 65-66, 70.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 97-98.
pdf  Contents and foreword, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(5): 129-130.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4).
pdf  Humor, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2, 4): 51, 123-124.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1-5): 29-30, 63-64, 94-96, 126-127, 154-155.
pdf  Advertisements, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1-5): 11, 28, 31-32, 39, 47, 85, 91-93, 115, 121-122, 124-125, 128, 136, 153, 156, covers.
pdf  Index, 2001. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(5): 157-160.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2001. Blood mites are no fun. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 9-11.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2001. Bookreview of Peter Stafford, Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 58-60.
pdf  Baren, Peter van, 2001. The importance of quarantaine. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 12.
pdf  Bonnet, Xavier & Fabiedn Aubret, 2001. Pythons are not cattle. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 123.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2001. Personal experiences with two methods to control snake mites. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 13-15.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2001. Captive keeping and breeding of the four-lined ratsnake (Elaphe quatuorlineata spp.) Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 48-51.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2001. Some observations on the captive breeding of the leopard ratsnake (Elaphe situla). Litteratura Serpentium, 21(3): 80-83.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2001. A report on some snakes found in Namibia. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 99-107.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2001. A snake park in Namibia. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(5): 143-150.
pdf  Engh, Jack van den, 2001. Venomous snakes south of the Sahara, part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 108-114.
pdf  Engh, Jack van den, 2001. Venomous snakes south of the Sahara, part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(5): 131-136.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 2001. All oiled up. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(3): 84.
pdf  Kivit, Ron & Stephen Wiseman, 2001. The green tree python & emerald tree boa. Their Captive Husbandry and reproduction. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 54-57.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2001. Iodine as panacea (cure all). Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 16.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2001. Onions and snakes with a cold. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 17.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2001. Can potasium permanganate be a first aid help by poisonous snakebites? Litteratura Serpentium, 21(5): 151-152.
pdf  Migchelbrink, Frank, 2001. Bookreview of Ron Kivit & Stephen Wiseman, The green tree python & emerald tree boa. Their captive husbandry and reproduction. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 52-53.
pdf  Ploeg, Harold van der, 2001. Dumerili-boa's (Acrantophis (Boa) dumerili). Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 116-119.
pdf  Ruiter, Maarten de, 2001. Nature, snake protection and snakes for pleasure. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(4): 120-121.
pdf  Ryabov, Sergei, 2001. The Exotarium - Snake center in Russia. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 40-46.
pdf  Ryabov, Sergei, 2001. Persian ratsnake Elaphe persica (Werner, 1913): biology, keeping and reproduction in captivity. 21(5): 137-142.
pdf  Sie, Nathalie, 2001. Paramyxovirus in Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 18-25.
pdf  Sie, Nathalie, 2001. Reptiles and small children in the home, experiences of preventing a salmonella infection. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 26-28.
pdf  Stafford, Peter, 2001. Burrowing asps, abstract. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 61-62.
pdf  Vlugt, René van der, 2001. Viruses, the unknown pathogens. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(1): 4-8.
pdf  Wijk, Aart van, 2001. Dice snakes in an outside terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(2): 35-39.
pdf  Wootten, Mark, 2001. Remark to Jacobs, Jan-Cor, All oiled up. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(3): 84.
pdf  Wüster, Wolfgang, Brian Bush, Keogh Scott, Mark O'Shea & Richard Shine, 2001. Taxonomic contributions in the 'amateur' literature: comments on recent descriptions of new genera and species by Raymond Hoser. Litteratura Serpentium, 21(3): 67-69, 71-79, 86-91.
  VOLUME 20, 2000
pdf  Cover and colophon, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6).
pdf  Contents and From the editors, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 1-6.
pdf  Contents, From the media and From the board, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 33-34.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 65, 96.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 97, 128.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 129, 156.
pdf  Contents, From the editors and announcements, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 161-162, 186-187.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1-6): 30-32, 61-64, 95-96, 125-127, 157-160, 188-189.
pdf  Advertisements, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1-6): 11, 14, 29, 42, 60, 70, 86, 107, 124, 142, 174-175, covers.
pdf  Index, 2000. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 190-192.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 2000. Dim it! Dimming a light bulb. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 155.
pdf  Bakker, Henriette, 2000. Egg binding in Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 58-59.
pdf  Berg, Dick van den, 2000. Breeding report Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 112-115.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 2000. Eat or be eaten. Notes on ophiophagy (eating snakes) and cannibalism due to crowding in several Boiga species from Thailand. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 143-145.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2000. A case of multiple egg clutches in an African brown house snake, (Lamprophis fuliginosus). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 40-41.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 2000. Notes on captive feeding of the centipede snake (Scalecophis atrocinctus). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 138-141
pdf  Daxwanger, Irmgard, 2000. Illustrations: Vipera berus berus, Vipera aspis aspis and Vipera ammodytes ammodytes. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 176-177.
pdf  Dekker, Cock, 2000. The escape of a Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 146-147.
pdf  Hoorn, John van, 2000. Boa constrictor stolen in Purmerend (The Netherlands). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 121.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2000. A new snake from Queensland, Australia (Serpentes: Elapidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 87-94.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond, 2000. A new species of snake from Irian Jaya (Serpentes: Elapidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 178-186.
pdf  Joseph, Erna, 2000. Education about my snakes in schools. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 80-81.
pdf  Kampenhout, Daan van, 2000. The snake as a spiritual force in traditional and nordic culture. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 7-11.
pdf  Kaplan, Melissa, 2000. The keeping of large pythons. Realities an responsabilities. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 122-123.
pdf  Kaplan, Melissa, 2000. Ophidiphobia and ophidiphobes. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 132-135.
pdf  Kok, Wouter, 2000. Breeding the ball python (Python regius Shaw, 1802). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 116-120.
pdf  Kutrup, Bilal, 2000. Notes on the breeding and feeding of the long-nosed Caucasian viper (Vipera ammodytes transcaucasiana). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 170-174.
pdf  Lanting, Johan & Anja, 2000. Cheating a serpent. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 35.
pdf  Leeuw, Nico de & Paul Floor, 2000. Climats, part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 36-39.
pdf  Leeuw, Nico de & Paul Floor, 2000. Climats, part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 82-85.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2000. An exceptional case (with Elaphe carinata). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 69, 71.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2000. Frozen chickens as a replacement food for large constrictors. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 101.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 2000. An adult Naja kaouhtia without a tongue. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 136-137.
pdf  Nissenson, Marylin & Susan Jones, 2000. The snake observed. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 20-21.
pdf  Nuyten, Piet, 2000. Keeping and breeding snakes of the genus Lampropeltis. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 52-56.
pdf  Rheinhard, Wim, 2000. Experiences in keeping and breeding Elaphe hohenackeri. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 72-79.
pdf  Robben, André & Yvonne, 2000. Rabbit kills tiger python. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 108-111.
pdf  Schmidt, Dieter, 2000. Experiences with a private serum depository. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(3): 66-68.
pdf  Sengers, Hugo, 2000. Feeding behaviour of two Californian kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getulus californiae). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 130-131.
pdf  Sivanand, Amrita, 2000. Serpent worship in India. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 12-13.
pdf  Sivanand, Amrita, 2000. The snake Kaliya subdued by lord Krishna. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 22-23.
pdf  Sluijs, Jan van de, 2000. Breeding results: Chondropython (Morelia) viridis (Sorong type). Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 57.
pdf  Veen, Ben van der, 2000. My experiences with Corallus hortulanus hortulanus and Corallus hortulanus cooki. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(5): 148-154.
pdf  Lazcano Villareal, David, Ramiro David Jacobo Galvan & Alan Kardon, 2000. The snakes of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(2): 43-51.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2000. Bookreview of Marylin Nissenson & Susan Jones, Snake Charm. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 15-19.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2000. Snake handling believers. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(1): 24-28.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2000. Snakes and elephants. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 98-100.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2000. Bookreview of Robert Twigger, The hunt for the world's longest python. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(4): 102-106.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 2000. Venom exists only in the imagination of the adder. Litteratura Serpentium, 20(6): 163-169.
  VOLUME 19, 1999
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1-6).
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1): 1-3, 31.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 33-35, 43.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 65-66, 92.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 97-99, 117.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 129-130, cover.
pdf  Contents, foreword and announcements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 161-163, 165, 191.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1-6): 28-30, 62-63, 94-96, 124-127, 156-158, 184,186.
pdf  Advertisements, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1-6): 4, 15, 27, 44, 59, 64, 70, 91, 93, 103, 104, 110, 122, 123, 127, 128, 143, 147, 159, 164, 169, 174, 192, covers.
pdf  Index, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 187-190.
pdf  Aelian, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1): 32.
pdf  Aelian, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 67.
pdf  Aelian, 1999. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 116.
pdf  Bakker, John & Marion, 1999. Bitis nasicornus. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 56-58.
pdf  Bakker, John & Marion, 1999. Bitis arietans, the puff adder. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 88-90.
pdf  Bakker, John & Marion, 1999. Bitis gabonica, the Gaboon viper. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 106-109.
pdf  Beusichem, Richard van, 1999. Succesful breeding of the Russian rat snake (Elaphe schrencki schrencki). Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 75-77.
pdf  Board of E.S.S., 1999. Animal Smuggling. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 98.
pdf  Board of E.S.S., 1999. The rebirth of the Basiliscus. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 131-134.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 1999. Observations on Boiga cyanea. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 175-183.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 1999. Notes on the captive reproduction of the African rock python, Python sebae spp. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1): 12-14.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 1999. Elaphe scalaris meets Elaphe guttata, a rare case of hybridization. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 138-142.
pdf  Cimatti, Emanuele, 1999. Notes on natural hybridisation between Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 144-146.
pdf  Dekker, Cock, 1999. Travel impressions from Thailand. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 170-171.
pdf  Even, Eddy, 1999. Some remarkable snakes in Shanghai Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 111-115.
pdf  Gonzales, J.-P., 1999. Reaction on hybridisation. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 186.
pdf  Greene, Harry, 1999. Snakes. The evolution of mystery in nature. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 46-49.
pdf  Hendriks, Cees C., 1999. Anomalie by Eunectus notaeus offspring. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 85-87.
pdf  Hunter, Allen, 1999. Venomous snakes 1: The golden rules. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 100-102.
pdf  Hunter, Allen, 1999. Venomous snakes 2: Tools. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 150-151.
pdf  Hunter, Allen, 1999. Venomous snakes 3: Transport. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 166-168.
pdf  Kalken, Chris van, 1999. Breeding the yellow rat snake and the grey rat snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 152-155.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 1999. A snake eating corn snake? Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 42.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 1999. About hybrids and reptiles as colour-canaries. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 135-137.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1999. Elaphe bimaculata. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 119-121.
pdf  Nas, Gerard, 1999. Vitamins and medicins. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 61.
pdf  Ramaker, Jan, 1999. Making an all-glass terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 71-74.
pdf  Rooyendijk, Lucien, 1999. Morelia spilota imbricata. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 53-55.
pdf  Schwenk, Kurt, 1999. The serpent's tongue. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1): 5-11.
pdf  Sie, Nathalie, 1999. Keeping and breeding of the eastern ringnecked snake (Diadophis punctatus punctatus). Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 79-84.
pdf  Sluijs, Jan van de, 1999. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris (Garden boa). Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 78.
pdf  Snippe, Ton, 1999. Multiple-nipple mice for a stubborn ball python. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 118.
pdf  Snippe, Ton, 1999. Some observations on Dekay's worm-eating snake Storeria dekayi victa. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(6): 172-173.
pdf  Starrett, Bryan L., 1999. Metropolitan pitvipers, notes on the ecology, systematics and husbandry of two urban rattlesnakes, Crotalus mitchelli pyrrhus and Crotalus tigris. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 36-41.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1999. The cottonmouth or watermocassin, Agkistrodon piscivorus, deel 4. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(1): 16-27.
pdf  Tessel, Jan van, 1999. On earwigs and snake eggs. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 60.
pdf  Tessel, Jan van, 1999. Dead animals. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(4): 105.
pdf  Vervest, Marc, 1999. Afterbreed jungle corn snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(5): 148-149.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1999. A misplaced blow. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(3): 68-69.
pdf  Wanrooy, V.J. van, 1999. Breeding results: Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 45.
pdf  Wanrooy, V.J. van, 1999. Breeding results: Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 45.
pdf  Wijnen, Ton, 1999. For a moment I stood staggered. Litteratura Serpentium, 19(2): 50-52.
  VOLUME 18, 1998
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1, 2-6).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1): 1-3, 10.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(2): 21, 30, 32.
pdf  Colophon and contents, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 49-51.
pdf  Colophon, contents and announcements, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(4): 81-83, 105-107.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 113, 139.
pdf  Contents, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 145.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1-6): 17-19, 44-48, 77-80, 109-112, 141-144, 169-171.
pdf  Advertisements, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1-6): 7, 11-12, 20, 29-31, 33, 35, 52-54, 66-67, 73, 76, 92-94, 98, 104, 108, 118-119, 133, 138, 140, 155, 161, 168, covers.
pdf  Index, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 172-176.
pdf  Aelian, 1998. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 167.
pdf  Engelen, Marcel van, 1998. Quite frightening. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 136-137.
pdf  Gillisen, Freek & Hanneke Hul, 1998. Elaphe mandarina (Cantor 1842). Litteratura Serpentium, 18(2): 22-28.
pdf  Hesom, Gary, 1998. My first breeding results with Royal Pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(4): 95-97.
pdf  Jacobson, Elliot & Juergen Schumacher, 1998. Inclusion body disease virus. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1): 8-9.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 1998. Panic about salmonellosis in Beek en Donk. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 134-135.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan, 1998. Problems in getting sera; the consequences of an accident. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 156-160.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1998, Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 74-75.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1998, Breeding results: Eryx colubrinus loveridgei. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 75.
pdf  Nijhof, Erik, 1998. Snakes as carrion eaters. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 154-155.
pdf  Platvoet, Harmen-Jan, 1998. Successful breeding with Vipera latasti latasti after an autumn mating. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 120-125.
pdf  Ramaker, Jan, 1998. The virus: "A snake keeping passion". Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 114-117.
pdf  Smetsers, Peet, 1998. Successful breeding of Naja sputatrix, the spitting cobra (white phase). Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1): 4-6.
pdf  Starace, Fausto, 1998. Contribution to the study of the snakes of French Guyana III. The presence of Chironius exoletus (Linnaeus, 1758) in French-Guyana. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(1): 13-16, 18(4): 104 (erratum).
pdf  Starace, Fausto, 1998. Discussion of the genus Oxyrhopus (Wagler, 1830) in French Guyana. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(2): 36-43.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1998. The cottonmouth or water moccasin Agkistrodon piscivorus (Lacepčde), part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(4): 99-103.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1998. The cottonmouth or water moccasin Agkistrodon piscivorus (Lacepčde), part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(5): 126-132.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1998. The cottonmouth or water moccasin Agkistrodon piscivorus (Lacepčde), part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 146-153.
pdf  Tessel, Jan van, 1998. Cutting claws. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(2): 34.
pdf  Trags, Ton, 1998, Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 74.
pdf  Valentic, Rob, 1998. Experiences with a female Acantophis antarticus. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 55-65.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1998. Bookreview: Harry Greene, Snakes, The evolution of mystery in nature. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(6): 162-166.
pdf  Werb, Keith, 1998. An Englishmen's story. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(3): 68-72, 18(6): 171 (erratum).
pdf  Young, Bruce, 1998. The acoustic biology of snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 18(4): 84-91.
  VOLUME 17, 1997
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1-6).
pdf  Contents, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(2): 25, 43.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(3): 49, 64-65.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(4): 69, 74-76, 82.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(5): 89, 104.
pdf  Contents, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(6): 109.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1-6): 20-23, 46-47, 66-67, 83-86, 105-107, 125-127.
pdf  Advertisements, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1-6): 18, 24, 35, 43, 48, 63, 64-65, 68, 76, 81, 82, 87, 88, 101, 102, 108, 114, 115, 136, covers.
pdf  Index, 1997. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(6): 127-135.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 1997. Armature for heat lamps in the snake terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(2): 26-27.
pdf  Aken, Gijs van, 1997. Alternative places for a terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(6): 110-113.
pdf  Bakker, John, 1997. Striking nest behaviour of Heterodon nasicus nasicus. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 10-11.
pdf  Blatchford, David, 1997. Book reviews: Snakes and snake hunting, by Carl Kauffeld and Snakes: The keeper and the kept, by Carl Kauffeld. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(2): 44-45.
pdf  Blem, Graeme, 1997. Big snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(5): 90-93.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 1997. Chondropythons from Bangkok? Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 4-5.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 1997. A problematic terrarium animal? Remarks on Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(3): 52-57.
pdf  Dimit, Beatty, 1997. The Brown house snakes as pets. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(2): 36-39.
pdf  Dimit, Beatty, 1997. Reincarnation: The Return of Tut. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(5): 103-104.
pdf  Even, Eddy, 1997. Blood pythons, Python curtus; subspecies, care and breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(6): 116-124.
pdf  Jacobson, Elliot & Bruce Homer, 1997. Ophidian Paramyxovirus (OPMV). Litteratura Serpentium, 17(4): 70-72.
pdf  Luciën, 1997. Breeding report Morelia spilota mcdowelli. Litteratura Serpentium, 17: 32-34.
pdf  Mattison, Chris, 1997. Book review: A Guide to the Snakes of Papua New Guinea, by Mark O'Shea. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(3): 58-59.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan & Silvia Bloem, 1997. Description of the genus Aspidelaps and a successful breeding with Aspidelaps lubricus infuscatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 6-9.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan & Silvia Bloem, 1997. Extraordinary experiences with an adult female Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus). Litteratura Serpentium, 17(3): 50-51.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1997. Eryx colubrinus (Stull, 1932). Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 12-14.
pdf  Starace, Fausto, 1997. Contribution to the study of the snakes of French Guyana II - The presence of Dipsas copei (Gunther, 1872) in French Guyana. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(5): 97-101, 18(4): 104 (erratum).
pdf  Strathemann, Udo, 1997. An outdoor enclosure - Planning, positioning, construction and description of an outdoor enclosure for breeding of water and other snakes from Nordic regions. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(3): 60-62
pdf  Tashjian, John H., 1997. Photozoography. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(4): 77-80
pdf  Tessel, J. van, 1997. Force-feeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 15-17
pdf  Tessel, J. van, 1997. Is it a male or a female? Litteratura Serpentium, 17(4): 73
pdf  Tricht, Frits A.P., 1997. Serum bank. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(2): 40-42
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1997. A snake with a prey gets heavy intestines. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(1): 19
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1997. Ancient herpetology part 3: Subservient serpents. Litteratura Serpentium, 17: 28-31
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1997. Ancient herpetology part 4: Final remarks. Litteratura Serpentium, 17(5): 94-96
  VOLUME 16, 1996
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1-6).
pdf  Contents and foreword, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 1-5.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 29, 49.
pdf  Contents, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 57.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(4): 89, 104, 106-108.
pdf  Contents, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 113.
pdf  Contents and announcement, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 141, 158.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1-6): 26-28, 54-56, 85-88, 112-116, 135-139, 162-164.
pdf  Advertisements, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1-6): 22, 71, 77, 84, 103, 104, 105, 120, 121, 134, 140, 151, 159, 161, covers.
pdf  Index, 1996. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 1-8.
pdf  Baas, J.F.N., 1996. The fascinating China, visit to a snake farm. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 72-73.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata emoryi. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 24.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata (snowcorn). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 24.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata (albino redphase). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 25.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 25.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1996. Breeding results: Lampropeltis getulus californiae (albino banded). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 25.
pdf  Berg, Dick van den, 1996. Additional remarks about the care of red-tailed boas. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 122-124.
pdf  Bloem, Silvia & John Mavromichalis, 1996. Raising offspring of Epicrates striatus striatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 21.
pdf  Byrd, Steve, 1996. Care sheet for red-tailed boas. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 39-43.
pdf  Fearn, Simon, 1996. Captive growth of a Carpet python Morelia spilota. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(4): 94-102.
pdf  Gillissen, F., 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe bimaculata. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 53.
pdf  Goot, Rolf van der, 1996. Cerastes vipera, the Sahara sand viper (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 6-9.
pdf  Grenard, Steve, 1996. Reptile-associated salmonellosis. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 114-120.
pdf  Hartloper, E., 1996. "More haste less speed". Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 128-129.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin J., 1996. Keeping and breeding the Ladder snake, Elaphe scalaris. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 18-20.
pdf  Jacobs, Jan-Cor, 1996. The realization of the venomous snake keepers dream. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 82-83.
pdf  Janssen, Pedro, 1996. Abstract of lecture: European vipers in the wild. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 142-143.
pdf  Jooris, Robert, 1996. Coluber gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768), the only correct scientific name of the Balkan Whipsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 30-31.
pdf  Kaplan, Melissa, 1996. Caring for Corn snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 10-13.
pdf  Kaplan, Melissa, 1996. Garter snakes, an overview of natural history and care in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 58-63.
pdf  Kivit, Ron, 1996. Nutrition of snakes, an important issue on caring. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 144-150.
pdf  Kratzer, H., 1996. Abstract of lecture: Sinfonie in Sand und Stein, Namibia. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 143.
pdf  Kuil, Rosier van de, 1996. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 52.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1996. Abstract of lecture: Caring and breeding Elaphe species. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 143.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1996. The Brazilian rainbow boa, a beautiful terrarium dweller (Epicrates cenchria cenchria Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 152-158.
pdf  Lotte, José & Ben Lotte, 1996. Taxonomy and determination of Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 78-81.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan M.W. & Silvia A. Bloem, 1996. Difficulties with obtaining sera. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 160.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. The care, maintenance, and breeding of Lampropeltis getulus californiae (Blainville, 1835). Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 14-17.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 23.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis marcianus marcianus. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 23.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis similis. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 24.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. Keeping, breeding and caring for Lichanura. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(1): 64-70.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1996. A new method of breeding Thamnophis species. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(4): 90-93.
pdf  Schellekens, Marcel, 1996. Registration of breeding results. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 125-127.
pdf  Slegers, H., 1996. Bitis gabonica rhinoceros, the Gaboon viper. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 44-48.
pdf  Smith, Trevor, 1996. Abstract of lecture: An exciting new form of the Striped tailed rat snake, Elaphe taeniura - de Burmese blue. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(6): 142.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1996. Crotalus scutulatus (Kennicott), the Mojave rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 36-38.
pdf  Uneken, Dinie, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 52.
pdf  Uneken, Dinie, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 52-53.
pdf  Uneken, Dinie, 1996. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 53.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1996. Ancient herpetology 2: Ancient prophylaxis. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 32-35.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1996. Herpetological gatherings 5: Drugs for a krait. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(4): 109-111.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1996. Herpetological gatherings part 6: About snakes and parricides. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(5): 130-133.
pdf  Wijk, Jeroen van, 1996. Experiences with a food refusing snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(3): 74-76.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1996. Book review: Der Königspython - Pflege und Zucht, by Andreas Kirschner & Hermann Seufer. Litteratura Serpentium, 16(2): 50-51.
  VOLUME 15, 1995
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1-6).
pdf  Contents, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 25, 49.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 53, 63.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 81, 106-108.
pdf  Contents, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 113.
pdf  Contents, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 137.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1-6): 23-24, 50-52, 80, 109-112, 135-136, 162-164.
pdf  Advertisements, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1-6): 63, covers.
pdf  Index, 1995. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): I-VIII.
pdf  Bol, S.C., 1995. Abstract of lecture: Keeping and breeding Natrix species. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 160.
pdf  Brandstätter, Frank, 1995. Abstract of lecture: Sand snakes in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 161.
pdf  Bruyn, Arie de, 1995. An exhibition of amphibians and reptiles on Cyprus. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 54-58.
pdf  Eerden, Hans van der, 1995. On the fertility of male striped phase Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 89-91.
pdf  Even, Eddy, 1995. The 'multi-mammate mouse' as an ideal prey for Lampropeltis pyromelana. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1): 21-22.
pdf  Fearn, Simon, 1995. Tiger snakes in Tasmania. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 118-122.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin J., 1995. Captive reproduction in the Eastern four-lined snake, Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 70-73.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin J., 1995. Captive husbandry and reproduction of the Leopard snake Elaphe situla. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 123-127.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin J. & Mark Hemmings, 1995. Breeding results: Morelia spilota variegata - Carpet python. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 79.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1995. Hoplocephalus bungaroides, the broad-headed snake in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 59-62.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1995. The Australian broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides in the wild. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 92-99.
pdf  Huisman, Albert, 1995. Breeding results: Lamprophis fuliginosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 78.
pdf  Huisman, Albert, 1995. Breeding results: Lamprophis fuliginosus - Brown house snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 133.
pdf  Huisman, Albert, 1995. Breeding results: Lamprophis fuliginosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 134.
pdf  Kaplan, Melissa, 1995. Not-so-common garters. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 114-117.
pdf  Krauss, Peter, 1995. Woma husbandry and captive breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 40-45.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1995. The Chinese leopard snake, Elaphe bimaculata (K.P. Schmidt, 1925) an easy snake to keep. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 82-88.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1995. Keeping and breeding the Trinket snake Elaphe helena (Daudin, 1803). Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 146-152.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1995. The snakes of Rara Avis, Costa Rica II: Pit vipers (Crotalinae). Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1): 4-12.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan M.W. & Silvia A. Bloem, 1995. A successful breeding of Naja naja sputatrix atra. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 26-30.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan M.W. & Silvia A. Bloem, 1995. A successful breeding attempt with Naja mossambica. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 138-141.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1995. The care and breeding of Thamnophis species. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 64-69.
pdf  Peterson, Karl H., David Lazcano & Ramiro D. Jacobo Galván, 1995. Captive reproduction in the Mexican milksnake Lampropeltis triangulum annulata. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 128-132.
pdf  Platvoet, H.-J.G.N., 1995. Use of frozen chicks to feed Corallus enydris enydris who hadn't fed for long. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 105.
pdf  Roy, Sven van, 1995. A sad story. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 48.
pdf  Seeber, Hennie, 1995. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris - Tree boa. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 133.
pdf  Sluijs, Jan van de & Hans Vester, 1995. Report of an operation on Elaphe guttata guttata suffering from egg retention. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 158-159.
pdf  Starace, Fausto, 1995. Contribution to the study of the ophidians of French Guyana: Presence of a new colubrid in French Guyana, Xenopholis scalaris (Wuchener, 1861). Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 153-157.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1995. Crotalus transversus Taylor 1944, the cross-banded mountain rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 31-39.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1995. Comments on caudal luring in snakes with observations on this behaviour in two subspecies of cantils, Agkistrodon bilineatus ssp. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 74-77.
pdf  Strimple, Pete & Gernot Vogel, 1995. Abstract of lecture: The various species of Trimeresurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 161.
pdf  Velde, Hans v.d., 1995. Breeding results: Crotalus mitchelli mitchelli - Speckled rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(3): 78-79.
pdf  Velde, Hans v.d., 1995. Breeding results: Crotalus lepidus klauberi. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(5): 134.
pdf  Vlugt, René van der & Marcel van der Voort, 1995. Reptile house 'Serpo'. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1): 13-16.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1995. Herpetological gatherings part 3: A question to physiologists. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(1): 17-20.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1995. Book review: De Slang, by John Godey. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(2): 46-47.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1995. Herpetological gatherings part IV: Alexander and the poison girl. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(4): 100-104.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der,1995. Ancient herpetology I: About snake bites and unwanted pregnancies. Litteratura Serpentium, 15(6): 142-145.
  VOLUME 14, 1994
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1-6).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1): 1-6.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 37, 65-66.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 69, 93.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 97, 126.
pdf  Contents, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 129.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 161, 183.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1-6): 34-36, 67-68, 94-96, 127-128, 158-160, 187-188.
pdf  Advertisements, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1-6): 125, covers.
pdf  Index, 1994. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): I-VIII.
pdf  Ahl, Irene, 1994. Snake mites Ophionyssus natricis (Gervais 1844) more common than snakes in the terrarium? Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1): 9-24.
pdf  Barnett, Brian F. & Graeme F. Gow, 1994. The Berkly Tableland death adder Acanthophis antarcticus. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 80-85.
pdf  Bergman, Jan & Mikael Norström, 1994. Some notes on the genus Vipera (Serpentes: Viperidae: Viperinae) in Anatolia, Turkey. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 166-175.
pdf  Bruyn, Arie de, 1994. Book review: The General Care and Maintenance of Milk Snake, by Robert Applegate. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 64.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 1994. Ten years of breeding Liasis mackloti mackloti. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 46-56.
pdf  Hoogmoed, M.S., 1994. In memoriam Leo Daniel Brongersma (1907-1994). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 162-165.
pdf  James, Brian, 1994. An unintential breeding of Water pythons Liasis fuscus in North Queensland. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 102-104.
pdf  Kortlang, Simon, 1994. Husbandry and reproduction in the Northern Territory/ Kimberly form Carpet python, Morelia spilota variegata (Gray, 1842). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1): 25-32.
pdf  Kortlang, Simon, 1994. An alternative food for reptiles: fish. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 42-45.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1994. The captive care and breeding of the Amur ratsnake, Elaphe schrencki schrencki (Strauch 1873) and the Southern Amur ratsnake, Elaphe schrencki anomala (Boulenger 1916). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 134-141.
pdf  Lazcano Jr., David & Ramiro J. Galven, 1994. A Mexican live herpetological collection. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 74-77.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1994. The importance of breeding programs for the breeding of snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1): 7-8.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1994. The snakes of Rara Avis, Costa Rica. I. Coral snakes (Elapidae, genus Micrurus). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 107-115.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1994. The changing face of the genus Vipera. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 145-152.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1994. Book review: Verbreitung, Oekologie und Schutz der Schlangen Deutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete, by M. Gruschwitz, P.M. Kornacker, R. Podloucky, W. Völkl & M. Waitzmann (eds.). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 180.
pdf  Leenders, Twan, 1994. Abstract of lecture: Coral snakes of Costa Rica. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 183-184.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan M.W., 1994. A safe system to keep venomous snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 38-41.
pdf  Mavromichalis, Johan M.W. & Silvia A. Bloem, 1994. Liasis olivaceus papuanus, a very rare python from New Guinea. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 130-133.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1994. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 79.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1994. Breeding results: Thamnophis marcianus marcianus. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 79.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1994. Breeding results: Thamnophis cyrtopsis postremus. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 124.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1994. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis similis. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 124.
pdf  Schoen, Marcel, 1994. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 124.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1994. Maintenance, feeding, and growth of a juvenile Eastern cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus, during its first eighteen months in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 70-73.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1994. Crotalus pricei, the Twin-spotted rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 98-101.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1994. Captive birth of Southwestern speckled rattlesnakes, Crotalus mitchelli pyrrhus (Cope). Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 142-144.
pdf  Tashjian, John, 1994. Abstract of lecture: Colour variation among rattlesnakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 184.
pdf  Tegelaar, Stefan, 1994. A satisfactory rescue. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(1): 33.
pdf  Temara, Karim, 1994. Breeding the Ball python, Python regius (Shaw 1802) under natural conditions. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 78.
pdf  Vlugt, René van der, 1994. Breeding programmes in practice. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 90-92.
pdf  Vlugt, René van der, 1994. Sacred snakes that heal. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 116.
pdf  Vlugt-Bergmans, Cécile van der, 1994. Fusarium solani, lover of the eggs of Elaphe guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 62-63.
pdf  Vogel, Gernot, 1994. Abstract of lecture: Ground dwelling snakes of Southeast Asia. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 184-186.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1994. Herpetological gatherings 2 'Ene scalc int belesen'. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 117-123.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1994. A dangerous Gopher snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 153-154.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1994. An unexpected meeting with Coluber viridiflavus. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 181-182.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, Cécile van der Vlugt-Bergmans & René van der Vlugt, 1994. 'Iguana' in Vlissingen. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(3): 86-89.
pdf  Weir, John, 1994. The successful propagation of Elaphe guttata intermontana (Woodbury & Woodbury 1942) (= E. g. emoryi) - The intermountain ratsnake, in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(2): 57-61.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1994. Postscript to review of Snakes of the World, Litteratura Serpentium, 1 and Litteratura Serpentium, 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 156-157.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1994. Book review: The Natural History of West Indian Boas, by Peter J. Tolson and Robert W. Henderson. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(4): 105-106.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1994. Bookreview: Snakes of the World a Checklist, Litteratura Serpentium, 1. Venomous snakes, Litteratura Serpentium, 2. Boas, Pythons, Shield-tails and Worm Snakes, by K.R.G. Welch. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(5): 155-156.
pdf  Zwartepoorte, Henk A., 1994. Advancements in breeding programmes. Litteratura Serpentium, 14(6): 176-179.
  VOLUME 13, 1993
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1-6).
pdf  Contents, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 37, 61.
pdf  Contents, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 73.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 105, 121.
pdf  Contents, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 141.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 173-174.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1-6): 35-36, 71-72, 102-104, 137-139, 169-172, 206-208.
pdf  Advertisements, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 140.
pdf  Index, 1993. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): I-VIII.
pdf  Anemaat, D.A.J., 1993. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata - Corn snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 122.
pdf  Anemaat, D.A.J., 1993. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta spiloides - Grey ratsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 122.
pdf  Astor, E., 1993. The Vizcacha burrow boa. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 153-163.
pdf  Barnett, Brian F., 1993. The Amethystine python (Morelia amethistina). Captive keeping, reproduction and growth. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 184-195.
pdf  Boilstone, Mark, 1993. The colubrid snakes of Laos. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 74-82.
pdf  Edwards, Euan, 1993. Pseudechis colletti. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 113-119.
pdf  Gendt, G. de, 1993. Report on the surgical removal of 4 eggs from a Lampropeltis getulus californiae (albino). Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 164-165.
pdf  Hulsker, L.C., 1993. The keeping and breeding of Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 196-198.
pdf  Klein Kiskamp, Paul, 1993. Seven years experience with Python regius. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 62-65.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1993. Elaphe radiata (Schlegel 1837), a biological egg-laying machine? Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 56-58.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1993. Python regius from first generation (F1) to second generation (F2) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 142-146.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert) & R. van Marle, 1993. A pilgrimage to the Abruzzes: Snake procession at Cocullo. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 41-45.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1993. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 205.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1993. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 205.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1993. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis black. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 205.
pdf  Moerkens, Tony, 1993. My breeding of Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 83-88.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1993. Remarks on the taxonomic status of the various subspecies of the Mexican ratsnake Elaphe flavirufa (Cope 1867). Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1): 14-29.
pdf  Smetsers, Peet, 1993. Agkistrodon bilineatus - Günther, the tropical mocassin. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 38-40.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1993. On the sex life of snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 123-127.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Crotalus unicolor (Van Lidth de Jeude), Aruba island rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1): 4-13.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. The Green anaconda Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus). Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 46-50.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Crotalus vegrandis Klauber (Uracoan rattlesnake). Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 51-55.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Breeding the Burmese python Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 59-60.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Report on the feeding and growth of a juvenile Mottled rock rattlesnake, Crotalus lepidus lepidus, during three years in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 89-94.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Breeding the Burmese python Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 100-101.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Crotalus molossus, the black-tailed rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 132-136.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Captive birth of Mojave rattlesnakes, Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 166-168.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Crotalus cerastes, the Sidewinder. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 180-183.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1993. Captive propagation of the Green anaconda Eunectes murinus murinus (Linnaeus). Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 199-204.
pdf  Tkachev, Dmitri, 1993. Distribution and biology of Elaphe situla in the Crimean peninsula, notes on keeping in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 128-131.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Medieval herpetology, part 13: Ets tragher dan men vint iet el. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1): 31-34.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Ten years of Serpo. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(2): 66-70.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Medieval herpetology, part 14: In Tanscijn harde soetelyc ghedaen. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(3): 95-99.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Herpetological gatherings I: The bad marriage of Mithridates Eupator. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 106-112.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Medieval herpetology, part 15: Een lelec dier ende onbequame. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(5): 147-152.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1993. Medieval herpetology, part 16: Hare bete es sonder ghenesen. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(6): 175-179.
pdf  Walhout, Jan, 1993. A remarkable incident. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(4): 120.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1993. Bookreview: Snakes of Medical Importance, by P. Gopalakrishnakone & L.M. Chou. Litteratura Serpentium, 13(1): 30.
  VOLUME 12, 1992
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1-6).
pdf  Contents, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(2): 25.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 45, 74.
pdf  Contents, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 77.
pdf  Contents, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 77.
pdf  Contents, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 133.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1-6): 26-28, 48, 75-76, (4)103-104, (5)103-104, 162-164.
pdf  Index, 1992. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): I-VIII.
pdf  Bol, S.C., 1992. Breeding results: Natrix maura. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 23.
pdf  Bronsgeest, Herman, 1992. Breeding results: Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus - Western massasauga. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 23.
pdf  Bronsgeest, Herman, 1992. Breeding results: Sistrurus miliarius barbouri - Dusky pygmy rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 24.
pdf  Bronsgeest, Herman, 1992. Breeding results: Vipera aspis zinnikeri. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 24.
pdf  Bruyn, Arie de, 1992. Bookreview: A-Z of snakekeeping, by Chris Mattison. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 12.
pdf  Busse, Peter, 1992. Hatching eggs of a Python regius. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(2): 46-47.
pdf  Eerden, Hans van der, 1992. Care and breeding of the Pueblan milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 52-53.
pdf  Eerden, Hans van der, 1992. Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana in the terrarium II. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 89-92.
pdf  Eerden, Hans van der, 1992. Care and breeding of the Pueblan milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 95-97.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1992. Search for the Anthill python Bothrochilus perthensis (Stull, 1932), captive observations,the world's first captive breeding of the species and other notes of significant herpetological interest. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 13-19.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1992. Notes on a captive Scrub python Morelia amethistina kinghorni. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 78-84.
pdf  Klein Kiskamp, Paul, 1992. Calabaria reinhardtii, the Calabar ground python. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 148-151.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1992. Elaphe radiata (Schlegel, 1837) by foul means or fair. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 152-160.
pdf  Maas, Drs. M., 1992. Epilogue to: Elaphe radiata (Schlegel, 1837) by foul means or fair. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 159-160.
pdf  Mattison, Chris, 1992. Reproduction in the Dusty hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus gloydi. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 98-101.
pdf  Mattison, Chris, 1992. Reproduction in the Dusty hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus gloydi. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 98-101.
pdf  Reinert, Howard K. & Robert T. Zappalorti, 1992. Literature: Field observation of the association of adult and neonatal Timber rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus, with possible evidence for conspecific trailing. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 25.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1992. Variation, distribution and biology of Elaphe triaspis (Cope, 1866), part 2, with remarks on the husbandry and breeding of the southern subspecies Elaphe triaspis mutabilis (Cope, 1885). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 54-68.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1992. Short notes on the captive care and reproductive biology of Elaphe flavirufa (Cope,1867). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 145-147.
pdf  Sjöbeck, Anders, 1992. Breeding Tropidophis melanurus melanurus in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 97-99.
pdf  Smetsers, Peet, 1992. Keeping and breeding Cerastes cerastes karlhartli, the Horned viper. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 93-96.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1992. Successful breeding of an Asian ratsnake (Elaphe rufodorsata). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(2): 42-45.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1992. Remarkable tail loss in Psammophis subtaeniatus sudanensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 50-51.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1992. Spiders as herpeto-eaters. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 71.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1992. A successful cross-breeding with Psammophis sibilans and Psammophis subtaeniatus in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 134-144.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. Crotalus atrox Baird & Girard, the Western diamondback rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 20-22.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. Crotalus mitchelli, the Speckled rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(2): 26-31.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. Report on the maintenance and growth of a juvenile Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus, during its first year in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 85-88.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. Incubation and hatching of Monacled cobra eggs. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 100.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. The Glossy snake (Arizona elegans). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 69-70.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1992. The Glossy snake (Arizona elegans). Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 78-80.
pdf  Vogel, Gernot, 1992. Ahaetulla fasciolata (Fisher, 1885), new record for the fauna of Thailand. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 8-11.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1992. Medieval herpetology, part 11: Vreselijk sere es dat venijn. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(1): 4-7.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1992. Medieval herpetology, part 12: Salamandra, dat oec tfier mede verslaet. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 46-49.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1992. Bookreview: Die Schlange, das unbekannte Wesen. In der Kulturgeschichte, freien Natur und im Terrarium, by Kl. Zimniok. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(3): 72-73.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1992. Bookreview: Met gespleten tong. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(4): 101-102.
pdf  Weima, André, 1992. Crotalus durissus vegrandis in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 81-85.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1992. Bookreview: The snakes of Thailand and their husbandry, by M.J. Cox. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 94.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1992. Bookreview: The snakes of Iran, by M. Latifi. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 102.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1992. Bookreview: Snakes of the Agkistrodon complex: A monographic review, by H.K. Gloyd & R. Conant. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 102.
pdf  Welch, Ken R.G., 1992. Bookreview: A practical guide for feeding captive reptiles, by F.L. Frye. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(6): 161.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1992. Lizards and snakes in veterinary praxis. Litteratura Serpentium, 12(5): 86-93.
  VOLUME 11, 1991
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1-6).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 1-3, 26.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 29, 38.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 49, 69-70.
pdf  Contents, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 73.
pdf  Contents, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 97.
pdf  Contents, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 121.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1-6): 27-28, 48, 71-72, 95-96, 118-120, 147-150.
pdf  Advertisements, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1-6): covers.
pdf  Index, 1991. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): I-X.
pdf  Anemaat, D.A.J., 1991. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 145.
pdf  Applegate, Robert, 1991. Literature: Captive breeding of the Durango mountain king snake (Lampropeltis mexicana greeri) and the Arizona mountain king snake (Lampropeltis pyromelana). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 93.
pdf  Beek, Henk van de, 1991. A successful breeding of Sistrurus catenatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 8-12.
pdf  Barnett, Brian F., 1991. Breeding results: Vipera ammodytes ammodytes - Sandviper. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 144.
pdf  Barnett, Brian F., 1991. Breeding results: Vipera aspis aspis. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 144.
pdf  Beld, B. v.d., 1991. Breeding results: Gonyosoma oxycephala. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 146.
pdf  Boerema, Harm, 1991. Breeding results: Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix - Copperhead. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 114.
pdf  Boerema, Harm, 1991. Breeding results: Agkistrodon contortrix mokeson - Copperhead. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 114.
pdf  Bol, S.C., 1991. Breeding results: Nerodia fasciata confluens x Nerodia fasciata fasciata. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 145.
pdf  Bol, S.C., 1991. Breeding results: Natrix tessellata tessellata. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 145-146.
pdf  Bol, S.C., 1991. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 146.
pdf  Buttle, David, 1991. Bird predation by the Hooded snake (Macroprotodon cucullatus). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 13-14.
pdf  Clarke, Frank, 1991. Literature: Natural history and captive breeding of the California king snake (Lampropeltis getulus californiae). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 92.
pdf  Denessen, Hans, 1991. Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 144.
pdf  Dimitropoulos, Achilles, 1991. Literature: Some notes based on observations of the Ottoman viper (Vipera xanthina xanthina, Gray, 1949) in the Greek islands of Leros, Dodecanes (south-east Aegean) and Chios (east Aegean). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 25.
pdf  Drent, Jan, 1991. Breeding results: Trimeresurus albolabris (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 115.
pdf  Drent, Jan, 1991. Breeding results: Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 145.
pdf  Eerden, Hans van der, 1991. Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 15-20.
pdf  Evans, Gareth M., 1991. Literature: The Coral snake question. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 92.
pdf  Even, Eddy, 1991. Bookreview: Australian Reptiles and Frogs, by Raymond T. Hoser. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 91.
pdf  Foden, John, 1991. Literature: Experiences with King Cobras in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 24-25.
pdf  Furiani, M., 1991. Breeding results: Bothrops schlegelii - Schlegel's viper. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 143-144.
pdf  Golani, Ilan & Elazar Kochva, 1991. Literature: Strinking and other offensive and defensive behaviour patterns in Atractaspis engaddensis (Ophidia, atractaspididae). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 117.
pdf  Graves, B.M., M.B. King & D. Duvall, 1991. Literature: Natural history of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 24.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1991. Bookreview: Handbook on the maintenance of reptiles in captivity, by K.R.G. Welch. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 6-7.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1991. Sydney's snakes, Part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 56-67.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1991. Sydney's snakes, Part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 78-88.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1991. Sydney's snakes, Part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 101-113.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1991. Sydney's snakes, Part 4. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 125-130.
pdf  Howard, B., 1991. Literature: A Simple and Effective Treatment for 'Scale Rot'. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 24.
pdf  Korebumi, Minakami, 1991. Literature: An Estimation of the Age and Life-Span of the genus Trimeresurus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Viperidae) on the Amami Oshima Islands, Japan. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 68.
pdf  Langeveld, C.M. (Koert), 1991. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 143.
pdf  Lilly, J.G., 1991. Literature: Captive breeding of the Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Naja mossambica) at the Poole Serpentarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 25.
pdf  Macartney, J. Malcolm & Patrick T. Gregory, 1991. Literature: Reproductive biology of female rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) in British Columbia. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 116.
pdf  Macias Garcia, C. & H. Drummond, 1991. Literature: The use of frozen fish to test chemoreceptive preferences of Garter snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 92-93.
pdf  Mackessy, Stephen P., 1991. Literature: Venom ontogeny in the Pacific rattlesnake Crotalus viridis helleri and Crotalus viridis oreganus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 116.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1991. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 143.
pdf  Meer, Jan van het, 1991. Breeding results: Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 143.
pdf  Minton, Sherman A. & Scott A. Weinstein, 1991. Literature: Colubrid snake venoms: immunologic relationships, electrophoretic patterns. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 94.
pdf  Monk, A.R., 1991. A case of mild envenomation from a Mangrove snake bite. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 21-23.
pdf  Packard, Gary C. & Mary J. Packard, 1991. Literature: Water relations and nitrogen excretion in embryos of the oviparous snake Coluber constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 93.
pdf  Pewtress, Roger K., 1991. Literature: The Night Adders of Southern Africa Genus Causus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 24.
pdf  Platvoet, H.-J.G.N., 1991. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 114.
pdf  Plummer, Michael V., 1991. Literature: Geographic variation in body size of green snakes (Opheodrys aestivus). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 94.
pdf  Plummer, Michael V. & Howard L. Snell, 1991. Literature: Nest site selection and water relations of eggs in the snake, Opheodrys aestivus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 116.
pdf  Reinert, Howard K. & Robert T. Zappalorti, 1991. Literature: Timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) of the Pine Barrens: their movement patterns and habitat preference. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 117.
pdf  Ridell, Jack, 1991. Literature: Breeding the Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 25.
pdf  Rijst, Hans van der, 1991. The effects of food gorging and food abstinence on the growth of juvenile Garter snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 45-47.
pdf  Schiereck, Piet, 1991. Bookreview: The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas, by Richard A. Ross & Gerald Marzec. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 136.
pdf  Schuett, Gordon W. & James C. Gillingham, 1991. Literature: Courtship and mating of Agkistrodon contortrix. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 116.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter & Hans-Dieter Philippen, 1991. The systematic position of Elaphe bairdi (Yarrow, 1880). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 137-142.
pdf  Shine, Richard, 1991. Literature: The evolution of viviparity: ecological correlates of reproductive mode within a genus of Australian snakes (Pseudechis: Elapidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 94.
pdf  Sleijpen, Fons, 1991. Breeding Nerodia fasciata. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 39-43.
pdf  Slip, David J. & Richard Shine, 1991. Literature: Thermoregulation of free-ranging Diamond pythons, Morelia spilota (Serpentes, Boidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 117.
pdf  Smith, Trevor, 1991. Literature: Asiatic colubrids - Part I. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 93.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1991. Breeding of the Grey ratsnake, Elaphe obsoleta spiloides. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(1): 4-5.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M. (Ton), 1991. Growth of the Northern rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 74-77.
pdf  Sterkens, Chiel, 1991. Breeding the Grey ratsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 30-31.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1991. Captive reproduction in the Scarlet kingsnake, Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides (Holbrook, 1838). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 50-52.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1991. The Eastern hognose snake, Heterodon platyrhinos Latreille, 1801. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 89-90.
pdf  Strimple, Pete, 1991. The Eastern coachwhip, Masticophis flagellum flagellum (Shaw, 1802). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 98-99.
pdf  Tepedelen, Kamuran, 1991. Captive propagation of the Emerald tree boa Corallus caninus. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 131-135.
pdf  Termeer, M., 1991. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 115.
pdf  Tiebout III, Harry M. & John R. Cary, 1991. Literature: Dynamic spatial ecology of the Water snake, Nerodia sipedon. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(4): 93.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1991. Bookreview: Les couleuvres et les vipčres, by Géniez, Philippe & Grillet, Pičre. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 53-54.
pdf  Voort, Marcel van der, 1991. A remarkable herpetological escape. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(6): 122-124.
pdf  Wishaupt, Richard, 1991. The Mangrove snake, Boiga dendrophila. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 35-37.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1991. Bookreview: Snakes of the Arabian Gulf and Oman, by Michael Gallagher. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 44.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1991. Bookreview: Colour Guide to the Snakes of Sri Lanka, by Anslem de Silva. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(3): 54-55.
pdf  Woerkom, Anton van, 1991. Bookreview: Snakes of the World, Volume I: Synopsis of Snake Generic Names, by Kenneth L. Williams & Van Wallach. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(5): 100.
pdf  Wright, Adam, 1991. Multiple clutch production in the Brown house snake, Lamprophis fuliginosus (Boie) from a single mating period. Litteratura Serpentium, 11(2): 32-34.
  VOLUME 10, 1990
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1, 3).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 1-3, 18, 51-53.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(2): 61, 106.
pdf  Contents, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 109.
pdf  Contents, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 157.
pdf  Contents, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 197.
pdf  Contents, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 237.
pdf  Invitation Snakeday, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4).
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1-6): 55-60, 106-108, 150-156, 195-196, 229-236.
pdf  Advertisements, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1-6): 19, 93, 106, covers and insert.
pdf  Index, 1990. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1990. An unknown Erythrolamprus from Surinam. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 198-205.
pdf  Armand, Jürgen, 1990. Literature: Brutverhalten und Messung des Temperatursverlaufs während des Brutvorganges bei Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 190.
pdf  Banks, Chris B., 1990. Request for information. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 178.
pdf  Boerema, H., 1990. Breeding results: Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 54.
pdf  Boerema, H., 1990. Breeding results: Agkistrodon contortrix mokeson. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 148.
pdf  Böhm, Hans Ulrich & Robin Oellers, 1990. Literature: Vertretern der Elapiden-Gattung Aspidelaps (Fitzinger, 1843). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 192-193.
pdf  Bulian, Joachim, 1990. Literature: Epicrates fordii - eine Riesenschlange für kleine Terrarien. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 191-192.
pdf  Drent, J., 1990. Breeding results: Trimeresurus albolabris (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 266.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin, 1990. Literature: The Speckled Kingsnake: Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 268-269.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1990. Melbourne's snakes, part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(2): 82-92.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1990. Melbourne's snakes, part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 122-145.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1990. Literature: Notes on the breeding of Death adders (Acanthophis antarcticus). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 271-272.
pdf  Hoser, Raymond T., 1990. Literature: More about pelvic spurs in Australian snakes and Pygopodids. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 272.
pdf  Hulsker, L.C., 1990. Some experiences with the Short-tailed python, Python curtus. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 117-121.
pdf  Jacobs, P., 1990. Things worth knowing about Candoia carinata carinata and Candoia carinata paulsoni. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 179-180.
pdf  Jooris, R., 1990. Bacterial infections and treatment with antibiotics in snakes, a recent vision, part 3. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 4-17.
pdf  Macchiavelli, G., 1990. Reproduction of Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 221-224.
pdf  Minakami, Karebumi, 1990. Literature: An estimation of age and life-span of the genus Trimeresurus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Viperidae) on Amami Oshima Island, Japan. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 49-50.
pdf  Morris, Chris, 1990. Literature: Hybridisation between the Corn snake (Elaphe guttata) and the Texas Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 271.
pdf  O'Shea, Mark T., 1990. Literature: Snakes of the Homalopsinae (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Southern Trans-Fly, Papua New Guinea. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 269.
pdf  Platvoet, H.-J., 1990. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 267.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1990. Thermoregulation of the Adder, Vipera berus berus (L.). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(2): 62-70.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1990. Colourful misunderstanding. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 206-211.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1990. Growth and maturity of Elaphe quadrivirgata (Boie). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 225-228.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1990. Differences in size and behaviour due to sex-differences in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 253-261.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1990. How high is the body temperature of Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis during the copulation period. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 262-264.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der & T. Steehouder, 1990. Repeated breeding of the Lizard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 29-41.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der & T. Steehouder, 1990. Hibernation, a problem? Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 244-252.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1990. Literature: Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 6: Elaphe hodgsoni (Gunther, 1860). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 269-270.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1990. Literature: Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 7: Elaphe radiata (Schlegel, 1837). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 270-271.
pdf  Sigg, Harry, 1990. Literature: Nachforschungen über Vipera ursinii anatolica (Eiselt & Baran, 1970) im westlichen Taurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 190-191.
pdf  Sigg, Harry, 1990. Literature: Ein erster Fund von Vipera raddei kurdistanica in der Südosttürkei. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 192.
pdf  Smetsers, P., 1990. Sensitive to stress or not, that is the question. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 158-160.
pdf  Smetsers, P., 1990. Care and breeding of Sistrurus miliarius barbouri, the Barbours pygmy rattlesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 181-189.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1990. Venomous or not: some further data. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(2): 71-81.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1990. Some experiences with Boiga irregularis. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 110-116.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1990. Caudal luring of some snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 214-220.
pdf  Stirnberg, E. & W. Broer, 1990. Literature: Pflege und Zucht der grösster nordamerikanischer Schlange: Drymarchon corais couperi (Holbrook, 1842). Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 193-194.
pdf  Termeer, M., 1990. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata (F2) - Yellow ratsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 265-266.
pdf  Velde, H. v.d., 1990. Breeding results: Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 149.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1990. Medieval Herpetology, part 7: Hoert serpenten namen in C. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 20-28.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1990. Medieval Herpetology, part 8: Hier coemt van der D na te hant. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(2): 94-105.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1990. Medieval Herpetology, part 9: Ende volghet naer E - I gaet uut. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 166-177.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1990. Medieval Herpetology, part 10: Hier coemt L - Hoert van der N. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(6): 238-243.
pdf  Weima, A., 1990. Breeding Vipera mauretanica mauretanica. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(4): 161-165.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1990. Bookreview: The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(3): 146-147.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1990. Bookreview: Australian reptiles and frogs. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(5): 212-213.
pdf  Wishaupt, R., 1990. The Dice snake, Natrix tessellata. Litteratura Serpentium, 10(1): 42-48.
  VOLUME 9, 1989
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1-6).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 1-3, 48-51.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 53, 96.
pdf  Contents, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 97.
pdf  Contents, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 141.
pdf  Contents, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 185.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 241, bijlage.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1-6): 52, 94-95, 138-140, 181-184, 235-239, 285-288.
pdf  Advertisements, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1-6): 240, 288, covers.
pdf  Index, 1989. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1989. Additional notes to the article "The snakes of Surinam, part II: The families Aniliidae and Boidae". Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 126-128.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1989. Troublesome off-spring of Elaphe guttata (albino red phase) after a caesarian section. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 36-37.
pdf  Bartz, H., 1989. Keeping and breeding Elaphe subocularis in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 80-82.
pdf  Bartz, H., 1989. Keeping and breeding Elaphe bimaculata. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 277-280.
pdf  Bitter, H. de & M. de Bitter, 1989. Venomous snakes, should they be bred? Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 269-270.
pdf  Blatchford, D., 1989. The Jalisco Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum arcifera). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 234.
pdf  Boerema, H., 1989. The keeping and breeding of Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 267-268.
pdf  Bout, R., 1989. Breeding results: Elaphe helena (F3). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 90.
pdf  Butler, Roger, 1989. The captive care and breeding of Thamnophis elegans terrestris. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 232-233.
pdf  Clercq, P. de, 1989. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 124.
pdf  Drent, J., 1989. Breeding results: Sistrurus miliarius barbouri (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 275-276.
pdf  Drent, J., 1989. Breeding results: Cerastes cerastes cerastes. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 276.
pdf  Duinen, J.J. van, 1989. Egg-eating snakes (Dasypeltis) in the Noorder Dierenpark at Emmen. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 105-112.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1989. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 123-124.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1989. Successful breeding of the Bullsnake (Pituophis melanoleucus sayi). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 129-132.
pdf  Esterbauer, Hans, 1989. Zur Ökologie der nachtaktiven Katzennatter Telescopus fallax syriacus (Boettiger 1889). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 88.
pdf  Even, E., 1989. Care and repeated breeding of the Green ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephala). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 145-155.
pdf  Even, E. & G. Pijnappel, 1989. Night activity by Vipera lebetina schweizeri during warm weather? Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 215-217.
pdf  Furiani, M., 1989. The reproduction of Agkistrodon bilineatus (Günther, 1888) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 142-144.
pdf  Golder, Friedrich, 1989. Eine Übersicht uber die Gattung Chrysopelea und die Haltung und Fortpflanzung von Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 86-87.
pdf  Ham, J. van, 1989. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 92.
pdf  Harskamp, M.B., 1989. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 91-92.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1989. Smuggling snakes out of Australia ... How the system works. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 15-35.
pdf  Howard, C.J., 1989. Husbandry and Breeding of the Honduran Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis) at Twycross Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 233-234.
pdf  Jacobs, P., 1989. How to build a terrarium of polycarbonate. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 75-79.
pdf  Jongh, J. de, 1989. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis (m) x Thamnophis radix (f). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 230-231.
pdf  Jongh, J. de, 1989. Breeding results: Elaphe schrenckii. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 274.
pdf  Jooris, R., 1989. Bacterial infections and treatment with antibiotics in snakes, a recent vision, part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 186-201.
pdf  Jooris, R., 1989. Bacterial infections and treatment with antibiotics in snakes, a recent vision, part 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 242-251.
pdf  Kik, M., 1989. An epidemic viral infection in snakes in The Netherlands. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 133-134.
pdf  King, Richard B., 1989. Population ecology of the Lake Erie Water snake, Nerodia sipedon insularum. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 283-284.
pdf  Klein-Kiskamp, P., 1989. In spite of everything breeding with Python regius. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 68-74.
pdf  Klooster, W., 1989. Breeding results: Eryx conicus (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 91.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1989. The genus Thamnophis, part V: Thamnophis (radix) butleri. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 4-8.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1989. Thamnophis, part VI: Thamnophis (radix) brachystoma. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 63-67.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1989. Thamnophis, part VII: Thamnophis cyrtopsis collaris. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 118-122.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1989. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis similis (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 274-275.
pdf  Mikkelsen, R., 1989. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 180.
pdf  Mills, M., 1989. Maintaining Lichanura in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 45-47.
pdf  Norrie, S.G., 1989. Comparisons between the natural and captive environments of the Sinaloan milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 284.
pdf  Pijnappel, G., 1989. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 229.
pdf  Platvoet, H.-J., 1989. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix haydeni (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 89-90.
pdf  Platvoet, H.-J., 1989. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 229.
pdf  Prekel, M. de, 1989. Breeding of Drymarchon corais couperi. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 59-62.
pdf  Schiereck, P., 1989. Erratum: Skewed sexratio in snakes, in: Litteratura Serpentium Litteratura Serpentium, 8, nr. 5. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 93.
pdf  Schiereck, P., 1989. Thermoregulation in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 165-176.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter & Harry Slegers, 1989. Erfolgreiche Haltung eines Bungarus fasciatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 83-84.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter, 1989. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 1: Elaphe rufodorsata. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 84-85.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter, 1989. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 2: Elaphe climacophora. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 85-86.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter, 1989. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 3: Elaphe schrenckii. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 87-88.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter, 1989. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 4: Elaphe dione (Pallas, 1773). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 135-136.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus Dieter, 1989. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. Teil 5: Elaphe bimaculata (Schmidt, 1925). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 137.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1989. Breeding Elaphe guttata emoryi. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 98-104.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1989. Breeding results: Malpolon monspessulanus monspessulanus (Montpellier snake). Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 179-180.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1989. Breeding the Taiwan ratsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 260-266.
pdf  Steehouder, T., 1989. The Tilburg reptile exhibition 'Exotic Terra Flora'. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 271-273.
pdf  Strathemann, Udo, 1989. Erfahrungen mit Thamnophis butleri während ganzjahriger Freilandhaltung. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 135.
pdf  Swaak, H., 1989. Breeding results: Eryx conicus. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 124-125.
pdf  Tepedelen, K., 1989. Captive propagation of the Emerald tree boa Corallus caninus. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 218-228.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. The tale of a novice herpetologist and an upturned flowerpot. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 9-14.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 1: Den sesten belovic te sine van serpenten met venine. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(1): 38-44.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 2: Plinius die maect ons cont. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(2): 54-58.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 3: Hier endt die tale int ghemene. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(3): 113-117.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 4: Nu hoert van elken allene, teerst in A. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 156-164.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 5: Basiliscus in Latijn es in Dietsche een kueninxkijn. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(5): 202-214.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, part 6: Nu hoert van der B hier na. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 252-259.
pdf  Voort, M. van der, 1989. Medieval Herpetology, correction and addendum to part 1. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(6): 281-282.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1989. Bookreview: Reptiles of Southern Africa, by Rod Patterson, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 9(4): 177-178.
  VOLUME 8, 1988
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1, 2).
pdf  Contents, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 57, 99-101.
pdf  Contents, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 105.
pdf  Contents, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 157.
pdf  Contents, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 197.
pdf  Contents, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 237.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1-6): 56, 102-104, 152-156, 194-196, 234-236, 296.
pdf  Advertisements, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1-6): covers.
pdf  Index, 1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): I-XI.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1988. The snakes of Surinam, part XX: Family Viperidae, subfamily Crotalinae (the genus Lachesis). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 41-49.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1988. The snakes of Surinam, part XXI (end): Family Viperidae, subfamily Crotalinae (the genus Bothrops). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 73-88.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1988. Addition to the article "A new Coral snake (genus Micrurus) from Surinam". Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 106.
pdf  Clercq, P. de, 1988. Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 50.
pdf  Gomes, P., 1988. Pseudomonas. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 280-282.
pdf  Gomes, P. & N. Gomes, 1988. Feeding problems in Corallus caninus. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 278-279.
pdf  Gulden, J., 1988. Hibernation and breeding of Vipera ammodytes ammodytes. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 168-172.
pdf  Heijden, B. van der, 1988. Successful breeding of d'Alberts python (Liasis albertisii). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 4-11.
pdf  Heijden, B. van der, 1988. Breeding behaviour of Liasis childreni. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 58-61.
pdf  Hingley, K.J., 1988. The maintenance and reproduction of the Western fox snake, Elaphe vulpina vulpina, in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 111-122.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1988. Conservation of Australian snakes, other reptiles and frogs. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 12-40.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1988. Problems of python classification and hybrid pythons. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 134-139.
pdf  Jooris, R. & E. Tubex, 1988. About a progressive-passing infection in a reptile collection and the successful treatment of a serious pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 140-150.
pdf  Jucker, R., 1988. Literature: Erfahrungen in der Behandlung von Giftschlangenbissen mit einem neuen Rasterschiessapparat 'Venomex'. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 52-54.
pdf  Kik, M., 1988. Veterinary management of a large collection of snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 283-295.
pdf  Kik, M. & P. Zwart, 1988. Ovariectomy in a Candoia bibronii australis. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 262, 264-268, 270.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1988. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata (F3). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 94.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1988. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 94-95.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1988. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 95-96.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1988. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 96-97.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1988. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 97.
pdf  Kreutz, R., 1988. Literature: Ungewöhnliches Beutetier von Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 193.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1988. Thamnophis, part I: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 89-93.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1988. Thamnophis, part II: Thamnophis sirtalis similis. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 107-110.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1988. Thamnophis, part III: Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 189-192.
pdf  Meer, J. van het, 1988. Thamnophis, part IV: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 207-211.
pdf  Mikkelsen, R., 1988. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 233.
pdf  Mooy, J.A.M. de, 1988. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 51.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1988. Care, breeding and other things worth knowing about the Rubberboa, Charina bottae bottae (Blainville). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 244-254.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1988. Aggressive behaviour of snakes of the family Boidae. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 255-258.
pdf  Reitz, C.J. et al., 1988. Literature: Evaluation of the Venom Ex apparatus in the treatment of Egyptian cobra envenomation, a study in rabbits. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(1): 55.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1988. Breeding Candoia aspera (Günther, 1877). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 273-277.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1988. Successful breeding with Elaphe scalaris. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 62-66.
pdf  Rijst, H. van der, 1988. Experiences with Rhabdophis submineatus submineatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 67-72.
pdf  Rosi, R., 1988. The breeding in captivity of the Puff adder, Bitis arietans (Merrem, 1820). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 123-133.
pdf  Rosi, R., 1988. Captive breeding of Bitis gabonica rhinoceros. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 182-188.
pdf  Schiereck, P., 1988. Regulation of blood pressure in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 158-167.
pdf  Schiereck, P., 1988, 1989. Skewed sex ratio in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 198-206, 9(2): 93.
pdf  Schulz, K.-D., 1988. Contribution to the knowledge of Elaphe schrencki. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 213-224.
pdf  Schulz, Klaus-Dieter, 1988. Literature: Erfahrungen mit Kukri-Nattern der Gattung Oligodon (Boie, 1827). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 230-232.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1988. Breeding results: Lampropeltis getulus floridana (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(2): 97-98.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1988. Agkistrodon piscivorus, the Cottonmouth. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(4): 173-181.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1988. Incubation temperature with Lampropeltis getulus floridana: a hypothesis rejected. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 212.
pdf  Swaak, H., 1988. Breeding results: Corallus enydris (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 8(3): 151.
pdf  Swaak, H., 1988. Breeding with Liasis mackloti. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 259-261.
pdf  Swaak, H., 1988. Care and breeding of Eryx conicus. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 263, 269, 271-272.
pdf  Wingerde, J. van, 1988. Bookreview: Herpetology of Europe and Southwest Asia. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(5): 225-229.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1988. In memoriam: John van der Pols 25-5-1958 to 27-2-1988. Litteratura Serpentium, 8(6): 238-243.
  VOLUME 7, 1987
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1-6).
pdf  Contents, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 53.
pdf  Contents, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 101.
pdf  Contents, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 149.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 201, 246.
pdf  Contents, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 253.
pdf  List of snakes kept and bred by the members of the Dutch Snake Society, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(Supplement 1): S-1 - S-34.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1-6): 50-52, 97-99, 146-148, 200, 249-252, 299-300.
pdf  Advertisements, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1-6): 100, covers.
pdf  Index, 1987. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1987. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 45.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1987. The snakes of Surinam, part XVII: Family Elapidae, subfamily Micrurinae (genera Leptomicrurus and Micrurus). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 185-194.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1987. A new Coral snake (genus Micrurus) from Surinam. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 215-220.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1987. The snakes of Surinam, part XVIII: Family Elapidae, subfamily Micrurinae. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 221-242.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1987. The snakes of Surinam, part XIX: Family Viperidae, subfamily Crotalinae (genus Crotalus). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 282-296.
pdf  Arts, E., 1987. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 256.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1987. Problematic oviposition in a specimen of Elaphe guttata (Red phase albino). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 203-205.
pdf  Bulian, J. & W. Bröer, 1987. Ein seltener Python und seine Nachzucht: Liasis mackloti. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 95-96.
pdf  Coenders, J.B., 1987. Breeding results: Thamnophis floridana (F2). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 256-257.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1987. The breeding of Corallus enydris enydris in a terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 243-246.
pdf  Faoro, George, 1987. Bemerkungen zur Verbastardierung von Vipera ammodytes ammodytes mit Vipera aspis atra. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 198.
pdf  Golder, F., 1987. Haltung und Zucht von Leptodeira nigrofasciata. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 94.
pdf  Gomes, P. & N. Gomes, 1987. Breeding results: Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 87-88.
pdf  Gomes, P. & N. Gomes, 1987. Breeding results: Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 88-89.
pdf  Gulden, J., 1987. Breeding results: Vipera aspis francisciredi. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 255-256.
pdf  Harskamp, M.B., 1987. Breeding results: Thamnophis proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 160.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1987. Breeding results: Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 91.
pdf  Hirschkorn, D., 1987. Breeding results: Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 47.
pdf  Hirschkorn, Dieter, 1987. Erfahrungen bei der Pflege und Zucht der selten gehaltenen Bullennatter Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 198-199.
pdf  Hoogmoed, M.S., 1987. Prof. Dr. L.D. Brongersma 80 years old. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 150-154.
pdf  Hulsker, L.C., 1987. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 155.
pdf  Kamphuis, E., 1987. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 91-92.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1987. Identification of snakes by means of 'fingerprints'. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 278-281.
pdf  Kulmus, H., 1987. Zu Haltung und Nachzucht von Dasypeltis scabra. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 143-144.
pdf  Kulmus, H., 1987. Einige Anmerkungen zur Zucht und Haltung von Eierschlangen. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 197-198.
pdf  Lawrence, K. & F. Parkyn, 1987. Use of an autogenous vaccine for the control of recurrent mouthrot in Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 81-86.
pdf  Lehmann, M., 1987. The Arabic sawscaled viper, Echis coloratus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 258-266.
pdf  Loon, J. van, 1987. False pregnancy in a Boa constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 54-56.
pdf  Maas, M.F.P.M. & R. Gerritsen, 1987. Surgical removal of eggs in an egg-bound albino Corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata) - A case report. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 206-214.
pdf  Markx, T., 1987. Breeding results: Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 46-47.
pdf  Marle, R. van, 1987. The keeping and hibernating of Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 57-61.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata, red phase. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 156.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 157.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Boiga dendrophila melanota. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 157-158.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Agkistrodon blomhoffi brevicaudus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 158.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Elaphe taeniura friesei. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 158-159.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1987. Breeding results: Lamprophis fuliginosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 159.
pdf  Nijhof, E., 1987. Breeding results: Natrix sipedon sipedon. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 45-46.
pdf  Olsen, U., 1987. The Corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata) in the wild and in the terrarium, part I. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 17-33.
pdf  Olsen, U., 1987. The Corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata) in the wild and in the terrarium, part II. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 62-80.
pdf  Olsen, U., 1987. The Corn snake (Elaphe guttata guttata) in the wild and in the terrarium, part III: The breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 120-141.
pdf  Opferman, R., 1987. Observations on the maintenance and reproduction of Python curtus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 104-113.
pdf  Pezzano, V., 1987. Crotalus atrox (Baird & Girard, 1853) in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 114-119.
pdf  Pezzano, V., 1987. The Diamond-back rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus (Beauvois, 1799) in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 161-167.
pdf  Pezzano, V., 1987. Reproduction of Echis pyramidum (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 272-277.
pdf  Philippen, Hans-Dieter & Manfred Rogner, 1987. Zur Biologie und Ökologie der Schlangen Korsikas. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 298.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1987. Bookreview: Pythons and boas. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 93-94.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1987. Unexpected breeding of Epicrates cenchria cenchria. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 168-174.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1987. Breeding results: Corallus caninus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 92.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1987. Breeding results: Liasis mackloti. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 102.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1987. Breeding results: Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 155-156.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1987. Bemerkungen zur Haltung und Zucht des grünen Hundkopfschlingers Corallus caninus (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 297-298.
pdf  Schulz, K.-D., 1987. Elaphe taeniura (Cope, 1861), a remarkable snake from Asia. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 4-16.
pdf  Smit, M., 1987. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis floridana (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 89-90.
pdf  Stankowski, Bert, 1987. Erdnattern (Elaphe obsoleta) - ideale Schlangen für den Anfänger. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 145.
pdf  Stapelbroek, T., 1987. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(2): 90-91.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1987. Some experiences with the Spotted skaapsteker Psammophylax rhombeatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 175-184.
pdf  Stettler, P.-H., 1987. Breeding results: Bothrops schlegelii. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 44-45.
pdf  Termeer, M., 1987. Breeding results: Natrix rhombifera (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 255.
pdf  Trutnau, L., 1987. Die Arizona Konigsnatter Lampropeltis pyromelana (Cope) 1866 - ein Schlangenjuwel aus dem westlichen Nordamerika. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 142.
pdf  Winstel, A., 1987. Breeding the Amazon tree boa (Corallus enydris enydris). Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 267-271.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1987. Terrarium building, part III: Some other ideas. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 34-43.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1987. Bookreview: Reptiles - Their Latin Names Explained. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(1): 48-49.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1987. Breeding results: Vipera ursinii renardi. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(3): 102-103.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1987. Bookreview: Handbook on the maintenance of reptiles in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 247-248.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1987. Bookreview: The Adder. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 248.
pdf  Wright, A., 1987. Bookreview: Les Serpents de la Guyane française. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(4): 195-196.
pdf  Zandschulp, R. van de, 1987. Breeding results: Natrix fasciata. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(6): 254.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1987. A correction to the dosage of Levamisole (Ripercol-L) for snakes and lizards. Litteratura Serpentium, 7(5): 202.
  VOLUME 6, 1986
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1, 4, 6).
pdf  Contents, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 1-3.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 45, 82-84.
pdf  Contents, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 85.
pdf  Contents, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 125.
pdf  Contents, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 161.
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 205, 241-242.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 243-248.
pdf  Advertisements, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1-6): covers.
pdf  Index, 1986. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1986. The snakes of Surinam, part XIII: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Pseudoeryx, Pseustes, and Rhadinaea). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 19-30.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1986. The snakes of Surinam, part XIV: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Rhinobothryum, Sibon, and Siphlophis). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 66-73.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1986. The snakes of Surinam, part XV: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Tantilla, Thamnodynastes, and Tripanurgos). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 107-116.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1986. The snakes of Surinam, part XVI: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Waglerophis, Xenodon, and Xenopholis). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 181-192.
pdf  Bakker, J., 1986. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis floridana. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 155-156.
pdf  Bardulla, F., 1986. Breeding results: Dasypeltis scabra. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 117-118.
pdf  Bergmans, Wim & Annie Zuiderwijk, 1986. Literature: Atlas van de Nederlandse Amfibieen en Reptielen en hun Bedreiging. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 119-121.
pdf  Böhme, W., 1986. Preliminary note on the taxonomic status of Psammophis leucogaster Spawls, 1983 (Colubridae: Psammophini). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 171-180.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1986. Striking behaviour of Corallus enydris enydris in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 126.
pdf  Gales, D., 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata x Elaphe guttata rosacea. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 42-43.
pdf  Heijden, B. van der, 1986. The husbandry and breeding of Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 4-12.
pdf  Heijnen, G.H., 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 203.
pdf  Hirschkorn, D., 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta deckerti. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 157.
pdf  Hirschkorn, D., 1986. Breeding results: Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 157-158.
pdf  Hirschkorn, D., 1986. Breeding results: Pituophis melanoleucus affinis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 158.
pdf  Hirschkorn, D., 1986. Breeding results: Pituophis melanoleucus annectans. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 158-159.
pdf  Jansen-Pezzano, E.F., 1986. Reproduction of Bothrops schlegelii (Berthold, 1846) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 92-97.
pdf  Janssen, P., 1986. The husbandry of the Temple viper (Trimeresurus wagleri). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 227-236.
pdf  Jong, J. de, 1986. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 74.
pdf  Jooris, R., 1986. Breeding results: Vipera aspis aspis (4x). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 117.
pdf  Karstens, R., 1986. Breeding results: Vipera aspis (female) x Vipera ammodytes (male). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 203-204.
pdf  Khan, M.S. & R. Tasnim, 1986. Notes on the Himalayan pit viper, Agkistrodon himalayanus (Günther). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 46-55.
pdf  Kornacker, P., 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe helena. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 159-160.
pdf  Kulmus, H., 1986. Literature: Zu Haltung und Nachzucht von Dasypeltis scabra. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 123-124.
pdf  Lillywhite, Harvey B., 1986. Literature: Behavioral Thermoregulation in Australian Elapid Snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 121-123.
pdf  Linden, Maarten van der, 1986. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 154.
pdf  Linden, Maarten van der, 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 155.
pdf  Marle, R. van, 1986. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 75-76.
pdf  Pezzano, V., 1986. Reproduction of Bothrops alternatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 13-18.
pdf  Pezzano, V., 1986. Reproduction of Bitis gabonica rhinoceros (Schlegel, 1855) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 56-65.
pdf  Poel, T.J.A.M. van der, 1986. Breeding results: Trimeresurus gramineus (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 43-44.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1986. Breeding results: Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 43.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1986. The husbandry and breeding of the Rosy boa Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca (Cope, 1861). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 98-106.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1986. Candoia carinata carinata (Schneider) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 162-166.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1986. The husbandry and breeding of the Kenyan sand boa Eryx colubrinus loveridgei (Stull, 1932). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 206-212.
pdf  Schiereck, P., 1986. Physiological aspects of infrared receptors in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 140-146.
pdf  Schueler, C.H., 1986. Breeding results: Sanzinia madagascariensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 76-77.
pdf  Sigg, H., 1986. Literature: Anspruchsvolle Schönheit - Anforderungen von Elaphe situla an Lebensraum und Terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 79-81.
pdf  Stafford, P., 1986. Notes on the distribution, habits and various colour morphs of Cook's tree boa (Corallus enydris cookii Gray). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 147-153.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1986. Breeding results: Psammophis subtaeniatus sudanensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 76.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1986. Experiences with tree specimens of Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(3): 86-91.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1986. Possible external differences of sex in Psammophis subtaeniatus sudanensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 127-130.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1986. Repeated successful breeding of the Florida kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulus floridana). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 237-240.
pdf  Trutnau, L., 1986. Literature: Liasis albertisii - ein seltener Terrariengast. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(2): 78-79.
pdf  Wassenaar, J., 1986. Breeding results: Natrix yumensis (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 156.
pdf  Wingerde, J. van, 1986. The distribution of Vipera xanthina (Gray, 1849) on the east Aegean Islands and in Thrace. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(4): 131-139.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1986. Treatment and after-care of young specimens of Elaphe subocularis and Elaphe helena suffering from gastro-enteritis. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(1): 31-41.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1986. Terrarium building, part I: A simple terrarium that can be built quickly. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 193-202.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1986. Terrarium building, part II: Terraria in series. Litteratura Serpentium, 6(6): 213-226.
pdf  Wright, A., 1986. Notes on defensive postures in captive specimens of the Western worm snake Carphophis amoenus vermis (Kennicott). Litteratura Serpentium, 6(5): 167-170.
  VOLUME 5, 1985
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1, 5).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): .
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1-6): .
pdf  Advertisements, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1-6): covers.
pdf  Index, 1985. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1985. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 31.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1985. The snakes of Surinam, part XI: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Ninia, Oxybelis, and Oxyrhopus). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 96-109.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1985. The snakes of Surinam, part XII: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Philodryas, Phimophis, and Pseudoboa). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 188-198.
pdf  Boerema, H., 1985. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 32-33.
pdf  Bruyndonckx, H., 1985. Herbivorous Thamnophis? Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 69-70.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1985. Successful breeding of Texas rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): 163-165.
pdf  Eerden, L.J.A. van der, 1985. Breeding Elaphe guttata guttata in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 199-202.
pdf  Getreuer, W.K., 1985. The handling of venomous snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): 234-244.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1985. Breeding results: Naja mossambica. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 203.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1985. Breeding results: Naja naja kaouthia. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 203-204.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1985. Breeding results: Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 205-206.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1985. On melanistic tendencies in Death adders, Acanthophis antarcticus (Shaw). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): 157-159.
pdf  Hoser, R.T., 1985. On the question of immunity of snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): 219-232.
pdf  Janssen, P., 1985. Breeding results: Trimeresurus albolabris. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 204-205.
pdf  Janssen, P., 1985. Breeding results: Trimeresurus popeorum. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 205.
pdf  Koore, J. van der, 1985. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 33-34.
pdf  Koore, J. van der, 1985. Breeding results: Epicrates cenchria maurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 76-77.
pdf  Lamberts, J. & J. van der Rijst, 1985. Ecology of the Common viper, Vipera berus berus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): 245-251.
pdf  Lamers, H., 1985. Breeding results: Epicrates cenchria maurus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 118.
pdf  Lehmann, C. & K. Lehmann, 1985. Husbandry and breeding of the Ball python Python regius in the terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 64-68.
pdf  Manders, J., 1985. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 79-80.
pdf  Markx, T., 1985. Breeding results: Epicrates striatus striatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 78-79.
pdf  Mennes, J., C.A.P. van Riel & J. van den Bossche, 1985. Surgical removal of two retained eggs in Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): 214-218.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1985. Lamprophis fuliginosus Boie, 1827, the Brown housesnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 88-95.
pdf  Osborne, S., 1985. The captive breeding of colubrid snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 42-57.
pdf  Schouten, J., 1985. Experiences in keeping and breeding of the Green tree python, Chondropython viridis (Schlegel, 1872), negative and positive results. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): 122-156.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1985. Egg retention and mechanical removal of the egg from Psammophis subtaeniatus sudanensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 28-30.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1985. Successful breeding of Lampropeltis getulus floridana (the Florida kingsnake). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 110-113.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1985. Maturity age. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): 160-162.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1985. Unsuccessful effort to incubate eggs of Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(4): 166-167.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1985. Gestation and delayed fertilization. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 181-187.
pdf  Stettler, P.-H., 1985. Australian Death adders - Remarks concerning the post-embryonic developement of Acanthophis antarcticus antarcticus (Shaw, 1794). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 170-180.
pdf  Sutherland, S.K., 1985. First aid for snakebite. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 71-75.
pdf  Vanhoof, L., 1985. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis similis. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 77.
pdf  Visch, A., 1985. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 77-78.
pdf  Visser, G., 1985. The breeding results of snakes at the Rotterdam Zoo Blijdorp (1974-1984). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 4-27.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1985. Bookreview: A comparative study of the herpetological fauna of the former West Cameroon/Africa. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 119-120.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1985. Bookreview: Checklist and Keys to the Terrestrial Proteroglyphs of the World (Serpentes: Elapidae - Hydrophiidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 207.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1985. Bookreview: The venomous snakes of the Near and Middle East. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(5): 208.
pdf  Wijk, B. van, 1985. Breeding results: Diadophis punctatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(1): 32.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1985. Postscript to the article "On the question of immunity of snakes". Litteratura Serpentium, 5(6): 233.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van & P.B. Stoel, 1985. Directives for the safety requirements for the keeping of poisonous snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(3): 82-87.
pdf  Wolf, J., 1985. Successful breeding of Epicrates cenchria (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 58-63.
pdf  Wolvekamp, J., 1985. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 5(2): 76.
  VOLUME 4, 1984
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1).
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 1-3, 36-37.
pdf  Contents, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 41.
pdf  Contents, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 89.
pdf  Contents, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 145.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1-6): 38-40, 142-144, 200.
pdf  Advertisements, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1-6): covers.
pdf  Index, 1984. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1984. The snakes of Surinam, part IX: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Hydrops, Imantodes, and Leimadophis). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 63-74.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1984. The snakes of Surinam, part X: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Leptodeira, Liophis, and Lygophis). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 160-172.
pdf  Bardulla, F., 1984. Breeding results: Dasypeltis scabra. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 120-121.
pdf  Barker, David G., James B. Murphy & Kenneth W. Smith, 1984. Literature: Social Behavior in a Captive Group of Indian Pythons, Python molurus (Serpentes, Boidae) with Formation of a Linear Social Hierarchy. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 199.
pdf  Branch, W.R., 1984. The House snakes of southern Africa (genus Lamprophis). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 106-120.
pdf  Bruyndonckx, H., 1984. Refrigerator hibernation. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 146-148.
pdf  Bryant, C.J., 1984. Literature: The Red-Tailed Racer Goniosoma (Elaphe) oxycephala. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 137-138.
pdf  Calmonte, Toni, 1984. Literature: Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori - ein selter importierter Dreieckskopf aus Mexiko. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 82.
pdf  Chapman, G., 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe carinata. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 16-20.
pdf  Chapman, Geoff, 1984. Literature: Attractive intergrading of American Elaphe. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 34.
pdf  Chapman, Geoff, 1984. Literature: Assisted feeding of young snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 34-35.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1984. Microscopy, part I. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 124-135.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1984. Microscopy, part II. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 182-191.
pdf  Coote, J., 1984. Snake husbandry equipment. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 149-159.
pdf  Gillingham, James C. & Jeffrey A. Chambers, 1984. Literature: Courtship and Pelvic Spur Use in the Burmese Python, Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 86-88.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1984. Breeding results: Boaedon fuliginosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 79.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 79-80.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1984. Breeding results: Bitis arietans. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 80.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1984. Breeding results: Trimeresurus albolabris. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 80.
pdf  Hartmann, P., Jr. & B. Steiner, 1984. Breeding results: Crotalus ruber x atrox. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 81.
pdf  Hine, R.A., 1984. Breeding results: Drymarchon corais couperi (3x). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 192-193.
pdf  Housefield, S., 1984. Literature: Observations on the Yellow-Bellied Water Snake (Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 198.
pdf  Lamers, H., 1984. Breeding results: Eryx colubrinus loveridgei. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 78.
pdf  Lang, R. de, 1984. Python curtus, difficult in feeding? Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 4-5.
pdf  Lehmann, Michael, 1984. Literature: Pseudocerastes persicus fieldi (Schmidt) im Terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 84-86.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1984. Breeding results: Boaedon fuliginosus fuliginosus (3x). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 122.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta x rossalleni. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 122-123.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta spiloides. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 193.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata (4x). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 193-194.
pdf  Nägele, V., 1984. Breeding results: Boiga dendrophila (3x). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 194-195.
pdf  Nijhof, E., 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 27.
pdf  Orlov, Nikolaj L., 1984. Literature: Die Fortpflanzung der Pythons Python regius und Liasis mackloti und der Kletternattern Elaphe climacophora und Elaphe quadrivirgata im Terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 30-34.
pdf  Prüst, E., 1984. Albinism in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 6-15.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1984. Breeding results: Corallus caninus. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 26.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1984. Breeding results: Morelia spilotes variegata (Gray, 1842). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 57-62.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1984. Reproduction of Corallus caninus (Linnaeus, 1758) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 173-181.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, P. Zwart & E. de Winter, 1984. Pentastomida and other parasites, and their treatment in Liasis papuanus. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 21-24.
pdf  Rothfuchs, G., 1984. Literature: Die Zwangsernahrung bei schlangen mittels Sonde und Hühnerei. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 136-137.
pdf  Schouten, J., 1984. Breeding results: Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 25-26.
pdf  Sleijpen, F., 1984. Venomous or not? Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 42-56.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1984. A case of pock-like inflammation in Elaphe schrenkii, followed by a case of priapisme. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 75-77.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1984. Repeated successful breeding of the Red striped sand snake Psammophis subtaeniatus sudanensis, and some remarks on the 'polishing behaviour' of this species. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 90-103.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1984. Experiences with Coluber viridiflavus carbonarius. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 104-105.
pdf  Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde, 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 26-27.
pdf  Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde, 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 28.
pdf  Stopford, J., 1984. Literature: Unusual Food Intake of a Diamond Python. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 198.
pdf  Vagvolgyi, A. & M. Halpern, 1984. Literature: Courtship behaviour in garter snakes: effects of artificial hibernation. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 140-141.
pdf  Weldon, Paul J., 1984. Literature: Responses to Ophiophagous snakes by snakes of the genus Thamnophis. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 138-140.
pdf  Wells, Richard, 1984. Literature: Eggs and young of Pseudonaja textilis textilis. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(2): 83-84.
pdf  Wells, R., 1984. Literature: Remarks on the Prey Preferences of Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(3/4): 141.
pdf  Werb, K., 1984. Literature: Brief Notes on Breeding the Snake Elaphe longissima in Captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 197.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1984. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(1): 28-29.
pdf  Zwinenberg, A., 1984. Literature: De boomsnuffelaar (Dryophis nasuta). Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 196.
pdf  Zwinenberg, A., 1984. Literature: Leptophis aheatulla, een onbekende boomslang uit tropisch Afrika. Litteratura Serpentium, 4(5/6): 196-197.
  VOLUME 3, 1983
pdf  Cover and colophon, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3().
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): .
pdf  Contents and announcements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): .
pdf  List of snakes kept and bred by the members of the Dutch Snake Society, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(Supplement 1): S-1 - S-25.
pdf  Supply & Demand, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1-6): .
pdf  Advertisements, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1-6): .
pdf  Index, 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1983. The snakes of Surinam, part V: Subfamily Colubrinae (genera Geophis, Leptophis, Mastigodryas, and Spilotes). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 22-31.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1983. The snakes of Surinam, part VI: Subfamily Xenodontinae (general data and genus Atractus). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 66-81.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1983. The snakes of Surinam, part VII: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Clelia and Dipsas). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 111-120.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1983. The snakes of Surinam, part VIII: Subfamily Xenodontinae (genera Erythrolamprus, Helicops, and Hydrodynastes). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 203-212.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1983. Some corrections concerning the photo credits in the series "The snakes of Surinam". Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 213.
pdf  Ananjeva, N.B. & N.L. Orlov, 1983. Feeding behaviour of snakes, part I. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 98-103.
pdf  Ananjeva, N.B. & N.L. Orlov, 1983. Feeding behaviour of snakes, part II. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 142-152.
pdf  Branch, W.R., 1983. The Dwarf angolan python, Python anchietae: an endangered species. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 121-125.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1983. Brief instruction on medicines for terrarium-animals. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 32-40.
pdf  Claessen, H. & C.A.P. van Riel, 1983. Points to consider when buying a new snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 126-129.
pdf  Dass, B. & S.N. Saxena, 1983. Poisonous snakes of India and their salient features. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 4-17.
pdf  Faassen, T.J.M., 1983. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni (2 times). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 216-217.
pdf  Faassen, T.J.M., 1983. Breeding results: Heterodon platyrhinos. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 217.
pdf  Gaal, R.J., 1983. Breeding results: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 41.
pdf  Gestel, P. van, 1983. Breeding results: Vipera ammodytes. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 171.
pdf  Getreuer, W.K., 1983. Breeding results: Chondropython viridis. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 167.
pdf  Getreuer, W.K., 1983. Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 167-168.
pdf  Gillissen, F., 1983. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis similis. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 170.
pdf  Hasebos, H. & J. van der Pols, 1983. Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 88-89.
pdf  Heijnen, G.H., 1983. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 42.
pdf  Hingley, K.J., 1983. The treatment of scale rot using hydrogen peroxide and gentian violet. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 164-165.
pdf  Jansen, R., 1983. Breeding results: Natrix maura. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 217-218.
pdf  Jooris, R., 1983. Breeding results: Echis carinatus pyramidum. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 218-219.
pdf  Kivit, R., 1983. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 131.
pdf  Marcus, R., 1983. Breeding results: Python molurus bivittatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 168-169.
pdf  Mes, F., 1983. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 166-167.
pdf  Nolan, M., 1983. An albino Royal python. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 162-163.
pdf  Pelt, J. van, 1983. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 41-42.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1983. Eggs of the Calabar ground python Calabaria reinhardtii. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 153-156.
pdf  Pozio, E., 1983. The biology of freeliving and captive Elaphe situla. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 50-60.
pdf  Reid, D., 1983. An account of reproduction in the Great Plains rat snake (Elaphe guttata emoryi). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 61-65.
pdf  Rheinhard, W., 1983. Breeding results: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 214-215.
pdf  Rheinhard, W., 1983. Breeding results: Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata (2x). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 215-216.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1983. Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides, the Scarlet kingsnake. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 193-202.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van & H. Claessen, 1983. Troubles with Elaphe moellendorffi (Boettger, 1886). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 82-87.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van & H. Claessen, 1983. What to do if your animals are taken ill. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 182-185.
pdf  Ripa, D., 1983. Breeding results: Bothrops nasutus. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 42-43.
pdf  Ripa, D., 1983. Breeding results: Vipera ammodytes montandoni. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 43.
pdf  Ross, R., 1983. Reproduction of the Childrens python (Liasis childreni) in a terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(1): 18-21.
pdf  Smit, M., 1983. Breeding results: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 218.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1983. Breeding results: Thamnophis radix butleri x Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 169-170.
pdf  Steehouder, A.M., 1983. The Rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) in nature and in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 186-192.
pdf  Tielemans, H., 1983. Breeding results: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(6): 214.
pdf  Vries, S. de, 1983. Reproduction of Boa constrictor ortonii (Cope) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 157-161.
pdf  Welch, K.R.G., 1983. A comment on the generic allocation of the Old World species of the genus Coluber. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 104-110.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1983. Bookreview "Herpetology of Africa". Litteratura Serpentium, 3(2/3): 92-93.
  VOLUME 2, 1982
pdf  Omslag en colofons [cover and colophons], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1-6).
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 1, 46-47.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 53, 96-97.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 101, 148.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 153, 197-200, end paper.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 205, 257-258, enclosure.
pdf  New Years Card for 1983. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): enclosure.
pdf  Inhoud [Contents], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 261.
pdf  Vraag & aanbod [Supply & Demand], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1-6): 48-49, 98-99, 149, 201-202, 260a-b, 311-312.
pdf  Advertenties [Advertisements], 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1-6): end papers and covers.
pdf  Index, 1982. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1982. Enige korrekties en aanvullende gegevens t.a.v. het boekje "Surinaamse slangen in kleur" van Joep Moonen e.a., 1979 [Some corrections and supplemental data regarding the book "Surinam snakes in colour" by Joep Moonen et al., 1979]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 34-42.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1982. De slangen van Suriname, deel I: De wormslangen [The snakes of Surinam, part I: The Worm snakes]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 64-82.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1982. De slangen van Suriname, deel II: De families Aniliidae en Boidae [The snakes of Surinam, part II: The families Aniliidae and Boidae]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 112-133.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1982. De slangen van Suriname, deel III: De familie Colubridae (algemene gegevens en het genus Chironius) / The snakes of Surinam, part III: The family Colubridae (General data and the genus Chironius). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 226-245.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1982. De slangen van Suriname, deel IV: Onderfamilie Colubrinae (genera Dendrophidion, Drymarchon, Drymobius en Drymoluber) / The snakes of Surinam, part IV: Subfamily Colubrinae (genera Dendrophidion, Drymarchon, Drymobius and Drymoluber). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 274-287.
pdf  Balvers, M., 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Telescopus semiannulatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 195.
pdf  Begg, R.J. & K. Martin, 1982. Literature: Capture of a further specimen of Python oenpelliensis. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 52.
pdf  Bloxam, Quentin & Simon Tonge, 1982. Literature: Breeding the Puerto rican boa (Epicrates inornatus) at the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 307.
pdf  Branch, W.R., 1982. Literature: African pythons, part 2: The smaller species. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 100.
pdf  Brand, L., 1982. Verzorging en kweek van de gele rattenslang [Care and breeding of the Yellow rat snake]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 102-109.
pdf  Brederode, R. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Corallus enydris cookii Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 45.
pdf  Bryant, C.J., 1982. Literature: Notes on force-feeding Florida king snake (Lampropeltis getulus floridana). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 203-204.
pdf  Bryant, C.J., 1982. Literature: Breeding the Gopher snake, Pituophis melanoleucus. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 260.
pdf  Butler, R.H., 1982. Literature: Notes on the feeding behaviour of Thamnophis elegans terrestris in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 151.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Klimatologische stimulatie van de voortplanting bij slangen [Controlled reproduction in snakes by means of climatological stimulation]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 2-18.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Longontsteking bij slangen [Pneumonia in snakes]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 89-93.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Vitaminen [Vitamins]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 139-147.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Microscopisch onderzoek van faeces / Microscopical examination of feces. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 184-192.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Flagellaten, deel I / Flagellates, part I. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 246-253.
pdf  Claessen, H., 1982. Flagellaten, deel II / Flagellates, part II. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 288-305.
pdf  Coote, Jon', 1982. Literature: The Californian mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata) and the Coral snake mimic problem. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 308.
pdf  Gaten, P. van der, 1982. Een geslaagde kweek met Python molurus bivittatus [A successful reproduction of Python molurus bivittatus]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 26-33.
pdf  Getreuer, W.K., 1982. Gifslangen in het terrarium, wel of niet verantwoord? / Keeping poisonous snakes in a terrarium; a matter for concern? Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 262-271.
pdf  Haan, C.C. de, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 193, Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 256.
pdf  Haan, C.C. de, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata (erratum). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 256.
pdf  Heijnen, G.H., 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 194.
pdf  Hingley, Kevin, 1982. Literature: Notes on keeping the Scarlet king snake (Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 308-309.
pdf  Janssen, P., 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Trimeresurus popeorum. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 256.
pdf  Marle, R. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 94-95.
pdf  Meerman, J.C. & G. Smid, 1982. Een gladde slang (Coronella austriaca) met hazelworm als prooi / A Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) with its prey: a Slow worm (Anguis fragilis). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 272-273.
pdf  Mobbs, Anthony J., 1982. Literature: Protected Spanish reptiles and amphibians. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 151-152.
pdf  Norrie, Steve, 1982. Literature: The Chain king snake (Lampropeltis getulus getulus). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 309-310.
pdf  On the Edge, 1982. Literature: Eierleggen door de Round Island boa (Casarea dussumieri). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 150.
pdf  Oosten, R.F. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Trimeresurus albolabris. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 195-196.
pdf  Oosten, R.F. van, 1982. Het houden en kweken van Trimeresurus albolabris / The keeping and breeding of Trimeresurus albolabris (Bamboo viper). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 206-213.
pdf  Orlov, N.L., 1982. Enkele principes voor de stimulering van het kweken met slangen van noordelijke en gematigde breedten onder terrariumomstandigheden [Some principles of stimulating snakes of northern and temperate regions to breed under terrarium conditions]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 61-63.
pdf  Peels, G. & L. Brand, 1982. Ervaringen met de amour rattenslang, Elaphe schrenkii schrenkii [Terrarium experiences with the Amour ratsnake, Elaphe schrenkii schrenkii]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 19-25.
pdf  Pewtress, Roger, 1982. Literature: The Brown and Red-bellied snakes, genus: Storeria. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 151.
pdf  Poel, Theo van der, 1982. Boekbespreking [Bookreview]: Ludwig Trutnau, Schlangen im Terrarium, Band 1 and Band 2. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 50-52.
pdf  Poel, T.J.A.M. van der, 1982. Een merkwaardig gedrag van Trimeresurus gramineus / Curious behaviour of Trimeresurus gramineus. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 214-215.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 306.
pdf  Quartero, H.W.P., 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis radix. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 43.
pdf  Riches, Robert J., 1982. Literature: Intergrading between Corn & Great plains rat snake. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 152.
pdf  Riches, R.J., 1982. Hibernating Garter snakes (Thamnophis spp.) / Het laten winterslapen van thamnophissen. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 158-161.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1982. Verzorging en kweek van Epicrates striatus striatus [The breeding and care of Epicrates striatus striatus]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 54-60.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Morelia spilotes variegata. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 254.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe guttata guttata (albino, rode vorm). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 254-255.
pdf  Riel, C.A.P. van, 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Lampropeltis getulum elapsoides. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 255.
pdf  Ripa, D., 1982. Parademansia microlepidota: de giftigste slang ter wereld [Parademansia microlepidota: the most poisonous snake of the world]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 134-138.
pdf  Schilt, J. van der, 1982. Een Elaphe-"wonder" [An Elaphe-"miracle"]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 110-111.
pdf  Smith, Keren, 1982. Literature: The bite of the Boomslang (Dispholidus typus). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 151.
pdf  Sparreboom, Max, 1982. Literature: Bibliografie van de Nederlandse herpetofauna. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 203.
pdf  Stafford, Peter J., 1982. Literature: Observations on the captive breeding of Cooke's tree-boa (Corallus enydris cookii). Litteratura Serpentium, 3(4): 204.
pdf  Stafford, P.J., 1982. Literature: Further observations of the Blood python (Python curtus) in captivity including an effective method of induced feeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 3(5): 259-260.
pdf  Stoel, P.B., 1982. Epicrates striatus striatus vangt levende vis / Epicrates striatus striatus catches live fish. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 156-157.
pdf  Stoel, P.B., 1982. Het herkennen van slangen aan de hand van hun beschubbing / The identification of snakes from their scalation. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(5): 216-225.
pdf  Tielemans, H., 1982. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 44-45.
pdf  Verstappen, F.J.M., 1982. Een tip om jonge Epicrates striatus striatus aan het eten te krijgen / An idea to make young Epicrates striatus striatus eat. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 154-155.
pdf  Wells, R., 1982. Literature: Notes on Kreffts Dwarf snake (Cacophis krefftii). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(1): 52.
pdf  Wells, R., 1982. Literature: Notes on Cacophis squamulosus. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(3): 150.
pdf  Werb, Keith, 1982. Literature: Additional notes on breeding the african House snake in captivity (Boaedon fuliginosus). Litteratura Serpentium, 2(6): 308.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1982. De slangen van het genus Malpolon / The snakes of the genus Malpolon. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 162-179.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1982. Ontlastingsonderzoek van slangen [Feces examination of snakes]. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 83-84.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1982. Boekbespreking [Book review]: Diseases of the reptilia, Cooper, J.E. & Jackson, O.F., 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(2): 85-88.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1982. Loodvergiftiging bij slangen / Lead-poisoning in snakes. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 182-183.
pdf  Zwart, P. & C.A.P. van Riel, 1982. Herhaalde kweek met Boa constrictor constrictor / Repeated breeding with Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 2(4): 180-181.
  VOLUME 1, 1980/1981
pdf  Omslag en colofons [Cover and colophons], 1980/1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1-6).
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1980. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 1-5, 26-27.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 33, 69-71.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(3): 77, 114-115.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 117, 156.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 165, 198.
pdf  Inhoud en mededelingen [Contents and announcements], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 209, 251-252, end paper.
pdf  Lijst van de door de leden gehouden en gekweekte slangen [List of snakes kept and bred by the members of the Dutch Snake Society], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 34-39.
pdf  Lijst van de door de leden gehouden en gekweekte slangen [List of snakes kept and bred by the members of the Dutch Snake Society], 1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 118-131.
pdf  Vraag & aanbod [Supply & Demand], 1980/1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1-6): 29, 73, 116. 159-160, 203-204, 253.
pdf  Advertenties [Advertisements], 1980/1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1-6): end papers and covers.
pdf  Index, 1980/1981. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): I-XII.
pdf  Abuys, A., 1981. De systematiek en kenmerken van het genus Corallus [The systematics and characteristics of the snakes of the genus Corallus]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 222-237.
pdf  Amerongen, J. van, 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis radix haydeni. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 201.
pdf  Atrox, 1981. De Stichting Atrox. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 40-44.
pdf  Barker, David G., James B. Murphy & Kenneth W. Smith, 1981. Literature: Social Behavior in a Captive Group of Indian Pythons, Python molurus (Serpentes, Boidae), with Formation of a Linear Social Hierarchy. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 208.
pdf  Barnard, S.M., T.G. Hollinger & T.A. Romaine, 1981. Literature: Growth and food consumption in the Corn snake, Elaphe guttata guttata (Serpentes, Colubridae). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 254-255.
pdf  Barnett, Brian, 1981. Literature: Captive breeding and a novel egg incubation technique of the Childrens Python (Liasis childreni). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 161-162.
pdf  Beard, Donald J., 1981. Literature: Rough-Scaled Snake, Tropidechis carinatus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 256.
pdf  Boerema, H., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Trimeresurus gramineus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 157-158.
pdf  Bogerd, M., 1981. Het met succes tot zelfstandig eten brengen van Python regius [How to teach a Python regius to eat by himself]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 186-188.
pdf  Boos, Hans E.A., 1980. Literature: Some breeding records of Australian pythons (Pythonidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 30-31.
pdf  Brand, L., 1981. Ervaringen met de rode rattenslang, Elaphe guttata guttata [Terrarium experiences with the Red ratsnake, Elaphe guttata guttata]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(3): 88-100.
pdf  Bruyndonckx, H., 1981. Het dwangvoederen van thamnophissen [Force feeding of Thamnophis]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 173-176.
pdf  Carpenter, Charles C., 1981. Literature: A Combat Ritual Between Two Male Pygmy Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 208.
pdf  Denzer, Wolfgang, 1981. Literature: Sibon nebulata (Linnaeus, 1758). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 76.
pdf  Diesener, Günther, 1981. Literature: Die Hornotter, Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 75.
pdf  Dunn, R.W., 1980. Literature: Breeding Children's pythons (Liasis childreni) at Melbourne Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 31.
pdf  Dunn, R.W., 1980. Literature: Breeding African pythons (Python sebae) at Melbourne Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 31.
pdf  Gillingham, James C., 1981. Literature: Reproductive Behavior of the Rat Snakes of Eastern North America, Genus Elaphe. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 207-208.
pdf  Greene, Harry W., 1981. Literature: (Review of) Systematics and natural history of the American milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 206.
pdf  Groves, John D. & William Altimari, 1980. Literature: First breeding of the St. Lucia serpent (Bothrops caribbaea) in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 32.
pdf  Haan, C.C. de, 1981. Naschrift bij Nieuws over het "zich dood houden" van Natrix natrix, waargenomen bij een jonge balkan-ringslang Natrix natrix persa [Postscript to Notes on the behaviour of "feighning death" of Natrix natrix, observed in a juvenile Natrix natrix persa]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 221.
pdf  Herman, Dennis W., 1980. Literature: Breeding the Jaliscan milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum arcifera) at Atlanta Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 31.
pdf  Honegger, R.E., 1981. Literature: Threatened amphibians and reptiles in Europe. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 162-164.
pdf  Hudson, Peter, 1981. Literature: On the Birth and Breeding of Death Adders in Captivity. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 256.
pdf  Janssen, P., 1981. Vipera ammodytes in de natuur en in gevangenschap [Vipera ammodytes in nature and in captivity]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(3): 78-87.
pdf  Jauch, Herbert, 1981. Literature: Brasilianische Schlangen im Terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 74.
pdf  Kardon, Alan, 1980. Literature: A note on captive reproduction in three Mexican milk snakes (Lampropeltis triangulum polyzona, L.t. nelsoni and L.t. sinaloae). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 31.
pdf  Kisser, Peter, 1981. Literature: Zur Kenntnis der Klapperschlangen. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 76.
pdf  Kivit, R. & P. Kivit, 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 247.
pdf  Kofron, Christopher P., 1981. Literature: Female Reproductive Biology of the Brown Snake, Storeria dekayi, in Louisiana. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 254.
pdf  Laszlo, Jozsef, 1980. Literature: Notes on the reproductive patterns of reptiles in relation to captive breeding. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 30.
pdf  Lehmann, Michael, 1981. Literature: Haltung und Nachzucht von Echis carinatus leakeyi x Echis coloratus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 75-76.
pdf  Magnusson, William E., 1981. Literature: Production of an embryo by an Acrochordus javanicus isolated for seven years. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 255.
pdf  Marle, R. van, 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 201-202.
pdf  Meerman, J.C., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 249-250.
pdf  Napolitano, Raymond L., Emil P. Dolensek & John L. Behler, 1980. Literature: Reptilian amoebiasis. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 32.
pdf  Nöllert, A., 1981. Nieuws over het "zich dood houden" van Natrix natrix, waargenomen bij een jonge balkan-ringslang Natrix natrix persa [Notes on the behaviour of "feighning death" of Natrix natrix, observed in a juvenile Natrix natrix persa]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 215-221.
pdf  Oosten, R.F. van, 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 249.
pdf  Paulduro, Jr., Ernst, 1981. Literature: Die Rauhe Grasnatter, Opheodrys aestivus (Linnaeus 1766). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 205-206.
pdf  Peels, G., 1981. Boiga dendrophila melanota, de mangrove nacht-boomslang [Boiga dendrophila melanota, the Mangrove snake]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 132-138.
pdf  Peters, Uwe W., 1980. Literature: Second generation breeding of the cantil (Agkistrodon bilineatus) at Taronga Zoo. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 32.
pdf  Pfistner, Wolf-Dieter, 1981. Literature: Anmerkungen zur Pflege von Leptophis mexicanus und L. ahaetulla. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 164.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1980. Mondvuil (Stomatitis ulcerosa) bij slangen [Mouthrot (Stomatitis ulcerosa) in snakes]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 9-13.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1980. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Corallus enydris enydris. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 28.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1981. Eetgedrag van Calabaria reinhardtii [Feeding habits of Calabaria reinhardtii]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 183-185.
pdf  Pols, J.J. van der, 1981. Verzorging en kweek van Corallus enydris enydris [Care and breeding of Corallus enydris enydris]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 238-246.
pdf  Quinn, Hugh R., 1981. Literature: Reproduction and Growth of the Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius tenere). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 207.
pdf  Reijst, N.R., 1980. Het houden en kweken van thamnophissen, deel I. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 6-8.
pdf  Reijst, N.R., 1981. Het houden en kweken van thamnophissen, deel II [The keeping and breeding of Thamnophis]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 45-52.
pdf  Reijst, N.R., 1981. Het houden en kweken van thamnophissen, deel III: Korte beschrijving van enkele regelmatig geďmporteerde soorten. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(3): 101-104.
pdf  Renkema, H., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Corallus enydris cookii. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 248-249.
pdf  Rheinhard, W., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe guttata guttata. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 200-201.
pdf  Romer, J.D., 1980. Literature: Captive care and breeding of a little known Chinese snake (Elaphe porphyracea nigrofasciata). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 31.
pdf  Schilt, J. van der, 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 158.
pdf  Schilt, J. van der, 1981. Verzorging en kweek van Boa constrictor constrictor [The keeping and breeding of Boa constrictor constrictor]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 166-172.
pdf  Seufer, Hermann, 1981. Literature: Thamnophis proximus ssp. im Terrarium. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 75.
pdf  Seufer, Hermann & Herbert Jauch, 1981. Literature: Die Kettennatter Lampropeltis getulus. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 164.
pdf  Seufer, Hermann, 1981. Literature: Zwangsernährung bei Nattern. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 205.
pdf  Sheargold, Tony, 1981. Literature: Notes on the Reproduction of Children's Pythons (Liasis childreni) Gray 1842. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 255-256.
pdf  Sparreboom, M., 1981. De beet van een Trimeresurus [The bite of a Trimeresurus]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 210-214.
pdf  Stoel, P.B., 1981. Dwangvoederen: een reddende handeling? [Force-feeding: a life-saving act?]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 189-197.
pdf  Stoffels, H., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 250.
pdf  Tielemans, H., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 72.
pdf  Trutnau, Ludwig, 1981. Literature: Über die Lebensweise und Pflege des Netzpythons Python reticulatus (Schneider). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 75.
pdf  Verstappen, F.J.M., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 199.
pdf  Verstappen, F.J.M., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Boa constrictor constrictor. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 200.
pdf  Verstappen, F.J.M., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Trimeresurus albolabris. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 202.
pdf  Verstappen, F.J.M., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Corallus enydris cookii. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(6): 247-248.
pdf  Vokins, M., 1981. Kweekresultaten [Breeding results]: Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 157.
pdf  Voris, Harold K. & Bruce C. Jayne, 1981. Literature: Growth, Reproduction and Population Structure of a Marine Snake, Enhydrina schistosa (Hydrophiidae). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 206-207.
pdf  Wagner, Ernie, 1980. Literature: Breeding king snakes (Lampropeltis ssp.). Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 32.
pdf  Williams, Kenneth L., 1981. Literature: Systematics and natural history of the American milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulum. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 206.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1980. Atretium schistosum of Cerberus rhynchops? [Atretium schistosum or Cerberus rhynchops?]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 14-18.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1980. De ondersoorten van Python molurus [The subspecies of Python molurus]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(1): 19-25.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1981. Python saxuloides Miller & Smith, een nieuwe pythonsoort uit Afrika [Python saxuloides Miller & Smith, a new species of python from Africa]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(2): 53-68.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1981. De slangen van de Galapagos eilanden [The snakes of the Galapagos Islands]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(3): 105-113.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1981. Fruit etende slangen [Fruit eating snakes]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 139-142.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1981. De slangen van het genus Rhamphiophis [The snakes of the genus Rhamphiophis]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(4): 143-155.
pdf  Woerkom, A.B. van, 1981. Het voederen van Eryx colubrinus loveridgei [The feeding of Eryx colubrinus loveridgei]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 181-182.
pdf  Zwart, P., 1981. Thiaminase (anti-vitamine B1) in de slangenvoeding [Thiaminase (anti vitamin B1) in snake food]. Litteratura Serpentium, 1(5): 177-180.



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